CG’s reactions to mistakes


Varsity Lurker
Oct 18, 2002
Has anyone noticed the reactions CG gives to the stupid penalties that Tech was consistently racking up all year? Penalties like false starts, delay of game, personal fouls or unsportsmanlike conduct. CG would have no expression or no emotion when one of these penalties would occur even though it may have just taken us out of a big drive. Or worse yet allowed an opponent to continue a big drive. As a football official I know mistakes happen but I never see a coach accept them without any emotion the way CG does. It is like he has accepted defeat before he starts. I am not stating that he has. I am simply stating the appearance he gives.

After one of these particularly stupid penalties Wes asked Kim what would Bobby Dodd say to a player in regard to his actions on the field. Kim said, “He wouldn’t say anything. We just knew we wouldn’t be playing anymore.”

Discipline, there is no substitute for it.
Its funny how some people come to the conclusion that "lack of emotion" from Gailey is bad... while when Richt does it he has "ice water in his veins" ...

I dont care how Gailey "looks" .. what I do care about is the fact that we regressed during the year instead of improve... I dont care if he wears a beanie cap during the game, but I do want us to play hard, improve each week, and win the games we are supposed to win... and at least show up in the ones that we arent.
JG maybe I wasn’t clear in my post. I agree lack of emotion isn’t always bad. However when a player(s) repeatedly make the same mistake and I don’t see CG saying anything to him or show any emotion over the constant errors I am concerned. That is not a lack of emotion. That is a lack of coaching.
This is an example of one of the things that drives me crazy about fans. I'd have to get my tapes out but I know I could splice together a montage of clips of Gailey hollering at officials and/or players after calls or bad plays. His race gets red and everything. Where does this stuff come from? Announcers during several games commented on how upset he was with the play and his comments at halftime on several games bears that out.

Look, if you think he sucks as a coach why not just say so. Some of the stuff people reach for is amazing. JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T SEE IT FROM THE STANDS OR THE TV CAMERA DOESN'T SHOW IT DOESN'T MEAN IT ISN'T HAPPENING. (is that enought negatives in one sentence?? couldn't figure out how else to say it)

We've had people complaining about what shirt he wears, whether he congratulated Bilbo after the TD passes, whether he stands close enough to the team on the sidelines, and now how he looks after a penalty. Leadership is displayed in many ways...there is no one right way to do things. What is important is what the players think and feel. Not what we as fans want to see in the way of demeanor. Now if somebody knows the players think they can get away with anything then that is meaningful.
ncjacket, sometimes I think you're the only adult on this board. No offense to the rest of us.
Originally posted by bellyseries:
ncjacket, sometimes I think you're the only adult on this board. No offense to the rest of us.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I know exactly what you mean Belly! I don't mean any offense to the rest of us as well.