He tried to stay on Braine's script, but he just looks like a deer caught in the headlights...comes across as completely in over his head... the well deserved name....'BUCK'.
Originally posted by beeware: He tried to stay on Braine's script, but he just looks like a deer caught in the headlights...comes across as completely in over his head... the well deserved name....'BUCK'.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Kind of the same way you look when you stand in that welfare line Beeware? (Just teasing a little here....)
I thought it was actually alot about nothing... there wasnt anything asked or talked about that hasnt been in the paper for months... Jamie Dukes needs to take a hike.... (or is Beeware and Jamie Dukes the same person..... now thats a thought.. )
I personnally thought the interview went well. Chan seemed to have an enthusiasm about the team and college football as a whole. My favorite quote from him was... "Our goal is to be the champion." It seems he has high expaectations of the team....and that is awesome! I was not impressed with the other guys on the show or the VERY short length of the interview! I am excited about GT Football!!!!!!!!!! GOOOO JACKETS!
It was nothing that hasn't been stated to people that read and keep up with everything closely, but to a lot of people it was a great interview. My brother has been building a new home, moving from NC to GA, and working his tail off. He hasn't had time to keep up with GT sports and football like he'd like. That interview last night was very imformative to him. He's now very excited and enjoyed getting his first real look at GT's head football coach.
On both boards most comments are very negative regarding that coverage last night. What's the problem?? That was good for GT and our program. I don't care about Jamie Dukes and Mike Bell. What could they have touched on during the interview that hasn't been talked about already? I personally am glad that others could see in a personally interview what we've been hearing already. It's good publicity for GT.
To the GT community it sometimes seems like you're damned if you do and damned if you don't hehe.