Clemson Game.........


I introduced myself to you at a Lunch Bunch and exchanged pleasantries with you at Bradley's last year and at YJA during game day. I'm interested in joining your road trip. Since you're the Bus Tzar, let me say in support of my candidacy that I'm about 5 years older than you so I will make you look young and vibrant to the other hotties when yours isn't looking.


If you think you have problems with John...

Jeff may have you riding on top of the bus...or throw you under it.


I would pay real close attention to this gentleman. He may just have given you the very correct answer to the Climpsun trip.

Actually I will let you sit in rear of bus and take care of the spittoon as it passes backwards to you severla times before reaching that hell hole in South Carolina.

In all actuality I will be the CZAR of the bus. JD is not leader. How do you think he got where he is today.
RM, Mover, JD, Billsman, sir.. i must protest your improper spelling of "tzar". i must defend my font.

affront my font at your peril!

the word, which incidentally stems from the Latin Caesar, has two accepted English spellings. you may spell it czar (which is really the more slavic specifically Czech interpretation) or tsar (which is more the Russian imperial way)

however, as a bonus for working the word into your post, i hereby decree you the official designated Heir Tsesarevich (your preferred spelling) should i move on from this board...

You must forgive him. He knows not how to spell!!! Hell, spot him a d and a g and he still couldn't spell the word. In other words he is just a DUMBARSE!!!
look at the most remote, high-up, hard to get to place with the most cops. that is where they put us.

after looking on the map, i think that is T - that is where i remember being last time
Usually K, L, S, T and a few others sprinkled here and there in the lower areas around the band.

I spent 2 years ago in K and it was nuts, cops everywhere. Luckily the good ol' boys like me, but saw more than a few Tech folks taken away for no good reason.
I know multiple fighting styles.

the only one i have seen is the "anonymous internet" style

IMO, you should work on "healing styles" or making friends with doctors, should you chose to test yourself
I've been to Bradley's and neither RM or his brother have kicked my butt. They must be afraid of my runner's build.

or, you haven't told them that you have "multiple fighting styles" and that you are a badass that would thrash anyone with your huge penis