Clemson's daycare facility

Maybe we should take the next few years off of bowls to recover some of the debt. We can throw our hat in for whomever gives us the best shot at a playoff in any given year and hope we get a bigger payout.
DRad gonna DRad.

Curious part: "Florida State and the University of Florida have indoor football practice facilities. The NFL’s Jacksonville Jaguars do not."

We built or upgraded a lot of things.

No öööö. I thought a large chunk of that was paid for via gifts like from Mr. McCamish and Mr. Zelnak. Does that mean we actually paid $300-500MM? If so, we got robbed.
No öööö. I thought a large chunk of that was paid for via gifts like from Mr. McCamish and Mr. Zelnak. Does that mean we actually paid $300-500MM? If so, we got robbed.
McCamish cost $45 million, McCamish family gave $15 million.

Zelnak cost $8 million, Zelnak family fave $5 million.

We probably had at least $100 milllion debt before Radakovich took over considering the 2003 Bobby Dodd addition cost $75 million.

Someone should list all the facilities improvements Radakovich did and how much each cost. Or the contracts we bought out...
From what I remember under Braine and DRad:

Mewborn Softball Complex
Renovated weight room
Renovated volleyball court/locker rooms
I want to say we spent something on golf as well...

Oh yeah, Gailey and Hewitt contracts, not sure how those fit in.

While I am not a fan of debt, we borrowed and refinanced at almost rock bottom interest rates iirc.
McCamish cost $45 million, McCamish family gave $15 million.

Zelnak cost $8 million, Zelnak family fave $5 million.

We probably had at least $100 milllion debt before Radakovich took over considering the 2003 Bobby Dodd addition cost $75 million.

Someone should list all the facilities improvements Radakovich did and how much each cost. Or the contracts we bought out...

The stadium expansion in 2003 was the killer. We spent a chunk of change and got virtually zero return on the investment.

If I remember correctly, O'Leary held the gun to our head to do it, and then he ended up leaving anyway after we made the commitment to expand. We could have spent less money, done something much more reasonable and we would have less empty seats for most home games.
Can we just quit football already?!? No point trying to recruit against teams that are going to do this bullcrap. If Clemson has laser tag, then no telling what the Alabama and Ohio States of the world will be building soon...
Can we just quit football already?!? No point trying to recruit against teams that are going to do this bullcrap. If Clemson has laser tag, then no telling what the Alabama and Ohio States of the world will be building soon...

Alabama already has these things.
This is all part of the TV revenue bubble caused by ESPN's bidding up contracts which has this year caused Disney's stock to tumble. I can't wait for this bubble to burst.
I will probably get skewerd for this, but wouldn't it be interesting if a star running back or QB tore an ACL playing laser tag?
I will probably get skewerd for this, but wouldn't it be interesting if a star running back or QB tore an ACL playing laser tag?

No skewerable offense there. You didn't say it would be "funny", just "interesting."
This is all part of the TV revenue bubble caused by ESPN's bidding up contracts which has this year caused Disney's stock to tumble. I can't wait for this bubble to burst.

All sports leagues have seen their values inflate dramatically.

Yet you don't see NFL teams building ridiculous structures to coddle their players.

A more honest system would recognize the ridiculousness of valuing a group of players whose decisions can make hundreds of millions of dollars of difference, at a scholarship for an education they will never use. The current dishonest system instead leads to spending a lot more than you would have if you simply paid players, without ever actually benefiting them.

Only people benefiting are the middle men, and the people who greased your palms to be picked to construct these monstrosities. Oh, and the coaches (who are being paid more than their NFL counterparts).
At what point do regular students revolt when they see massive facilities on their campus that are walled off to them?
I will probably get skewerd for this, but wouldn't it be interesting if a star running back or QB tore an ACL playing laser tag?

It would only be skewerable if you put the bigcry on the body of said injured player. Fortunately no one around here stoops to that level of douchery.
All sports leagues have seen their values inflate dramatically.

Yet you don't see NFL teams building ridiculous structures to coddle their players.

A more honest system would recognize the ridiculousness of valuing a group of players whose decisions can make hundreds of millions of dollars of difference, at a scholarship for an education they will never use. The current dishonest system instead leads to spending a lot more than you would have if you simply paid players, without ever actually benefiting them.

Only people benefiting are the middle men, and the people who greased your palms to be picked to construct these monstrosities. Oh, and the coaches (who are being paid more than their NFL counterparts).

whoa here, hoss. Easy on the hyperbole...NFL HCs average $4.6m, while NCAA P5 coaches average a bit over $2m. But the gap is closing, especially for the top tier.