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Does anyone have any hot takes on the officiating? Apparently Jimbo got fined $20k for comments about some of the calls. I can find lots of videos of that, but not of the actually penalties in question. It sounded like one had something to do with a chop block? Being that we're the experts, I wanted to see if it was legit.

One particular call for a block below the waist that eliminated a huge Cook run was pretty ugly in replay. He got an unsportsmanlike for it during the game.
One particular call for a block below the waist that eliminated a huge Cook run was pretty ugly in replay. He got an unsportsmanlike for it during the game.

Yeah I thought that was a legit call. I only saw it once but thought it was actually from behind.
One particular call for a block below the waist that eliminated a huge Cook run was pretty ugly in replay. He got an unsportsmanlike for it during the game.
It was clearly the right call. Jimbo just had his panties in a wad because his player got thrown out for targeting (the right call) and a Clemson player didn't get called in a 50/50 situation.
It was clearly the right call. Jimbo just had his panties in a wad because his player got thrown out for targeting (the right call) and a Clemson player didn't get called in a 50/50 situation.

Different call I think - the one for the block was a clean hit that was treated as a crack back block. Jimbo went nuts, FSU got a false start, and they basically went from a 60 yard run to punting from just outside their end zone.
Found this:


That would be called against us too, no doubt. Although it's not a chop block.

Edit: well, gif doesn't seem to be working for me, but it's in the link

This is nearly exactly what they called Deon Hill for in 2014 vs VPI. Illegal block below the waist call about 15 yards behind the play nullified what should have been an 80-yard TD run for JT5. We feel your pain, Jimbo.

That said, as bad as the ACC officiating is, at least they're consistent.
At game speed, it does look like he hits him around 3:30 and the butt punch looks bad. It's a borderline call and if it wasn't the block that sprung Cook, I'd call it bad.
Different call I think - the one for the block was a clean hit that was treated as a crack back block. Jimbo went nuts, FSU got a false start, and they basically went from a 60 yard run to punting from just outside their end zone.

Yeah, that was a bad call by the refs. the blocker hit the defender on the upper part of the hip, on the stomach side and then slid off. it looked like a good block to me, but it seemed the refs only saw it after the initial hit and i can see how they thought it to be a bit low and a bit from behind.

Then FSU sideline got a 15yrd penatly too bc Jumbo was going all Muschamp on the refs

Went from a 40-yard gain to a 30-yard loss
I'll admit - I thought it was the right call live. The way the defender tripped after the block, it definitely looked like the blocker hit him in the side/back of the leg. It was probably the wrong call, but I totally understand why the refs called it. As was mentioned before, we have been flagged multiple times for blocks like that, so I don't have a lot of sympathy.
Narduzzi, on the other hand, has a very legitimate gripe. It seemed like VT's entire game plan was to throw jump balls to Ford and Hodges, who would fully extend their arms in a two-handed pushoff. I would have been PISSED if I was a VT fan.
Does anyone have a link to Narduzzi's rant/presser that resulted in the fine?
Narduzzi speaketh the truth. VT's WR's have been pushing off all season from the games I have seen. must be coached to do it. If you can get away with it, great play. They probably figure they will get away with it 9/10 times, so worth it.

So someone made a video that ignores all of the plays that Narduzzi was (rightfully) upset about? Anybody who watched that game and isn't a VT fan saw the pushoffs. Of course they didn't push off every time, and of course Pitt's DB's were also playing physical. But they called PI multiple times in crucial situations on Pitt, and never once on VT.