COFH 2016 Images & Memes Repository

anyone have this full-res?



I don't know. It was all I could do to transfer it from my TV DVR to my phone to my computer to the internet to here. I didn't name it. Thanks
Btw we noticed Saturday evening while waiting for the team's return that we had some fans in the crowd who kinda looked like they just became tech fans on Saturday. I didn't give it much thought since we had drunk half a bottle of scotch at that point and figured we were imagining things. Then the next day I read on a uga friend of mine's wall this:

I know like 6 people on FB who went to Tech. Who are these other people showing up in my feed all hyped up?
It's probably Bob Benson's long-lost son.
Judging from the footage, it seems more likely that after the 2008 game, @Rodzilla went out and hate-ööööed some despondent Georgia undergrad and knocked her up. As the boy gets older, he finds himself gagging instead when the time comes to bark. Whenever Tech scores, he finds that he seems to lose control of his limbs as they celebrate in a spasm. Saturday, for the first time, he began to finally suspect that perhaps his mother was lying and his uncle may not be his real father.