Colin Cowherd Preseason Top 10


Varsity Lurker
Jul 26, 2016
1. Clemson
2. Michigan
3. Oklahoma
4. Tennessee !!!!!!
5. Alabama
6. Ohio State
7. Florida State
8. Iowa
9. LSU
10. Utah

2 ACC teams
3 SEC teams including Tennessee in his top 3!?

Tennessee is insane. Iowa's a stretch. Rest seems reasonable. The season will not end with 3 B1Gs in the top ten.
It's gutsy. Michigan still hasn't really done anything and Tennessee has been close, but not there yet...
Butch Jones might be unemployed following this season.
Les Miles was Jimbo ain't available short of getting canned at LSU. Delusions over in that conference are staggering.
Tennessee is the SECs Miami. Everybody desperately wants them to be good again and take recruiting rankings as a sign that they are back. Yet neither has a had a decent coach in a decade and neither has shown any consistent ability to compete within their own division let alone the national stage.
Well Miami arguably has a decent coach now. I mean, öööö him, but he knows college football
Wow, no UGA in a preseason Top 10. Kirby Smart has failed already.
I almost get Tennessee in the top 10 more than I do LSU. UT has a very legitimate chance of winning their division and we'll all have a good idea right around October 1st. If they beat VT in Bristol, I except Hilljack Mania before SEC play.

Lately, LSU always seems to be hyped before they begin the season and then they end up somewhere like 3rd or 4th in division.
1. Clemson
2. Michigan
3. Oklahoma
4. Tennessee !!!!!!
5. Alabama
6. Ohio State
7. Florida State
8. Iowa
9. LSU
10. Utah

2 ACC teams
3 SEC teams including Tennessee in his top 3!?

Thoughts? 3 from big 10 but no Sparty?

I'm not sold on Iowa being a top-10 but someone had to win that shite division. I would downgrade UM and swap MState with Iowa.
Houston needs a traditional "they ain't played nobody" top 10 spot. Get me some BCS buster style points. Give them Iowa or Tennessee's spots.
I would love to see Michigan have the season we did last year. God I hate those fucks! Living here 20 years will do it to you. They are the Ugay of the north. White trash sidewalk fans that only come around when they win and there alumni might just be the most pompous arrogant ass people you will ever meet. öööö Harbaugh and Ann Arbor is a dirty whore...... The end