Colin Cowherd Preseason Top 10

I would love to see Michigan have the season we did last year. God I hate those öööös! Living here 20 years will do it to you. They are the Ugay of the north. White trash sidewalk fans that only come around when they win and there alumni might just be the most pompous arrogant ass people you will ever meet. öööö Harbaugh and Ann Arbor is a dirty whore...... The end
Atta boy Ryan, dont hold anything back!!
I always liken OSU fans to georgia. The majority of them never went to any college. I typically think of Michigan as having some pretty smart(and conceited) alumni a lot like Tech fans/alumni. So basically if GT was the State U, we'd be like them with the extra sidewalk fans. I've never lived up there but I've met several alums from both. Michigan alums are definitely the brighter of the 2 in my dealings. OSU might rank higher than georgia on paper but IQ seems about the same.