Colors for the Week

The hats and the shirts are the same color. Different surfaces reflect light differently.
Not sure I really believe that, the pant stripe is different than the shirt, white hats the way to go. Gotta see it at some point
These look much better than the O'Leary golds. Those golds were only necessary for homecoming and/or hosting Wake, and though I like them, they always seem strange to me. The ones Goose and Co. wore with the big Price Is Right numerals just looked very peculiar. The home whites from those years are the GOAT though, 1996-2000, gold letters or navy, they were amazing.
We wore them far more often than you say. At any rate, we never NEVER wore blue under O'Leary
Not sure I really believe that, the pant stripe is different than the shirt, white hats the way to go. Gotta see it at some point
You are welcome to stop by my office and I can show you tuft samples where the yarn was extruded using the exact same color and the exact same machine using a different yarn cross section. They look like entirely different colors, despite it being the exact same color batch. We even have some "metallics" where the cross section gives a metallic sheen.
He’s our all around idiot. Leave it.
And I know a hell a lot more about color compounding and yarn extrusion than anyone else on this board. The color you see is dependent on how the light hits and is reflected to your eyes. It really isn't that difficult to achieve.
I still remember one of the things that TStan said about the Adidas deal was that they were going to develop a shade of gold material that would match the helmets. I guess they gave up on that. Still nice tho.

That was Tud’s first playing surface folly. Remember the green floor in the McTit?

Everything Tud touches turns to shit!
And I know a hell a lot more about color compounding and yarn extrusion than anyone else on this board. The color you see is dependent on how the light hits and is reflected to your eyes. It really isn't that difficult to achieve.
this u?

You are welcome to stop by my office and I can show you tuft samples where the yarn was extruded using the exact same color and the exact same machine using a different yarn cross section. They look like entirely different colors, despite it being the exact same color batch. We even have some "metallics" where the cross section gives a metallic sheen.
How does the metallic one look? We have used metallic or at least semi-metallic-looking jerseys in the past, and I thought they looked good.
I like the gold jersey. But, the GT on the pants is a gold that matches the helmet well, while the jersey is more yellow than either. It would seem a white helmet with gold jerseys would make matching the material with the headgear less of an issue. Through the first three weeks of the season: 3,1,2
How does the metallic one look? We have used metallic or at least semi-metallic-looking jerseys in the past, and I thought they looked good.
The cones of yard look shiney on the tube. We have various trilobal, modified delta, and hollow filament spinnerets to get the look needed. The duller yarns are good for higher traffic area since they help disguise soiling.
I'd be good with the SF Giants "City" jerseys if we could win 9 games a year ...
I like the look. I suppose it’s just too difficult to match the gold of the helmet to fabric. Suppose the only way to remove this issue is white helmets, similar the the CJ photo that appears often in our uniform threads.
When I first saw those helmets I got a boner that could cut a diamond.
And I know a hell a lot more about color compounding and yarn extrusion than anyone else on this board. The color you see is dependent on how the light hits and is reflected to your eyes. It really isn't that difficult to achieve.

Your schtick’s getting old dude.