You know, this thread has shown me something very sad about the Tech psyche. We expect mediocrity, and we are afraid to dream. We disguise this under the fabric we call "reality."
I can sense the desire of most in this thread to let it go and trust that PJ will make us better than we've been in a long time, but we cannot.
Maybe we win out, and maybe we don't. As fans, it's OK to dream about it. And when you really take a long look underneath where we are presently, there's a lot of signs that point to a very successful season THIS year.
Our ypp has increased each game against 3 tough D's, to where it was about 7 ypp against MSU. This and we're barely at 50% efficiency just now. We have the talent on offense to make serious waves THIS year, if they get it. They are getting it. The OL improved tremendously betwee the VT and MSU games. Those are smart, athletic guys, so we knew they would in time. Well, they just did.
We have an off week to heal and rest up, then 2 games we ought to win fairly handily. This gives us 4 weeks to make the next step up before the CU game, and their weakness (DL) appears to play directly into our strength. At this point, you have to think we have a good chance of beating CU.
Beyond that there are too many variables right now, but the immediate future is incredibly bright. Now sure something may happen to derail all this. Most of us remember 1996, when a rash of injuries ruined our season. Those things can't be predicted. This season is bright.
Some folks are just optimistic by nature, some are less so, and some are downright pessimistic. We all have our different takes, but we should all enjoy the ride and dream a little. If it doesn't happen, so what? At least you had fun dreaming. This is entertainment, and having fun is what it's all about.
Dream on, "brothers and sisters," it's gonna be fun. Here's for winning out!