Comparing quarterbacks

Reggie may have said "it's just a game, dawg" in frustration to reporters and friends after a loss.

TQM was frustrated after watching his dawg friends in their loss to Alabama.
Something was broken in CPJ's offense the past couple of years. No matter which QB was in there, all they did was run QB keeper literally 90% of the time. Mysteriously, some teams could not stop this single play concept. The teams that did stop it, though, made the TO look inept as nothing else was open. Even when TQM decided to pitch it, it looked like he waited too long vs. a quick pitch appeared the better option.

Teams started committing to stop the pitch. That forced us to either keep or handoff up the middle or pass. Passing wasn't really our thing so that left two options: keep or handoff. I'm sure there is a much more detailed explanation of what defenses were doing to keep us in the middle of the field and off the edges but that's what it looked like to me.

So I think somebody a few years ago tried something - instead of prepping for any of three "options", they slightly overcommitted to shut one option down (the pitch) and took their chances with the remaining two (or a pass). It worked and that was the beginning of the end.