Conference Games I\'m lookin forward to...
MD, UVA and Clemson are the 3 that I'm lookin forward to the most. We need big-time revenge on these 3 teams. IMO, there was no excuse for our losses to MD and UVA. At least with Clemson, I can point to the injury to Smith.
The longer we are in the ACC (this is our 20th year of football in the ACC), the more the conference games mean to me. I used to kinda sigh and yawn at the thought of playing all these schools, but now that we have a history and have built up rivalries, I like the ACC schedule.
Just look at some of the epic battles we've had with UVA and Clemson over the years. Look at some of our games with NC State. Look at our streak of non-wins with UNC, finally broken in '98.
Now, if we could just start beating FSU a little bit.
MD, UVA and Clemson are the 3 that I'm lookin forward to the most. We need big-time revenge on these 3 teams. IMO, there was no excuse for our losses to MD and UVA. At least with Clemson, I can point to the injury to Smith.
The longer we are in the ACC (this is our 20th year of football in the ACC), the more the conference games mean to me. I used to kinda sigh and yawn at the thought of playing all these schools, but now that we have a history and have built up rivalries, I like the ACC schedule.
Just look at some of the epic battles we've had with UVA and Clemson over the years. Look at some of our games with NC State. Look at our streak of non-wins with UNC, finally broken in '98.
Now, if we could just start beating FSU a little bit.