Contract Extension vs. OC Position??

Guys, once again we have gone tangential here;my original post was (I think):
1. Could there be a requirement in CCG's new contract
to either let Nix be a real OC and call the plays
or hire another OC and let him call the plays
(Yes,from the box is a good idea!)?
2. Does Nix have what it takes to be an OC? I think
so, he was a successful QB at AU, comes from a
successful football family(should be a big
recruiting help in mid/so GA). FWIW I think he
deserves a chance to really show what he can do
w/o being fettered by CCG's stubbornness.

I agree w/ your comments re CJ, Pat Clark, ST's, etc, but let's address the OC question for a while, OK?

THWG!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drinking.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drink1.gif
Goldeagle, I don\'t know if it is in the contract.

or if it is even an issue between them....

but I do know that when Beamer went 2-9-1 in his sixth year, Braine told him he had to make some staff changes in order to get the extension. Beamer did, Braine did, and the rest is history.

IIRC I believe those required staff changes were on offense but I'm not sure. That would be ironic, wouldn't it?

If Braine has not made the same stipulation, I wonder what is different?

I agree with you about Nix. I find it hard to believe that Nix doesn't understand offensive football. In addition to the evidence you cited, didn't his teams at his previous job set all sorts of offensive records for their division?
Re: Goldeagle, I don\'t know if it is in the contract.

I agree with you about Nix. I find it hard to believe that Nix doesn't understand offensive football. In addition to the evidence you cited, didn't his teams at his previous job set all sorts of offensive records for their division?

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think many outside of the team know much about Pat Nix as a football coach. That's just the way it is around here. For those that believe he is very talented and could help this club if allowed, that would be a stout charge against his boss.
Personally, I just don't think he has worked out at Tech, and its time to move on. If his responsibility has been the development of quarterbacks, what is the evidence in his favor?
To his credit, I know he was a heady and successful QB at Auburn, but so was Bart Starr at Ala. and Green Bay. I just don't think that success as a player guarantees anything as a coach.

If we were making a hire based on college success, I would rather see G Godsey but I have doubts about being able to get him as long as O'Leary is paying him decently.
Re: Goldeagle, I don\'t know if it is in the contract.

Has he 'not worked out' or not been allowed to work out?

Is RB conflicted between what PN is teaching him to do in situations and what CG is calling playwise?

Not trying to start a flame here, just an idea that occurred to me after a little scotch and some homemade peanut butter crackers;yeah I know it's late for that combo.

Re: Goldeagle, I don\'t know if it is in the contract.

Careful Goldeagle,
that concoction you have there may cause a body to wonder.