CPJ's Total Package

nevermind, answered my question
This is a really weird graphic. Why are we creating an image that shows us as the worst ranked public university of a set? Are we just bragging that while these other schools may be better academically than us, we're better than them at football?

I wonder what 8,9, and 10 are and how they do in football.
This is a really weird graphic. Why are we creating an image that shows us as the worst ranked public university of a set? Are we just bragging that while these other schools may be better academically than us, we're better than them at football?

I wonder what 8,9, and 10 are and how they do in football.

8-10 are UC (Univ. of California) schools that don't have football.
This is a really weird graphic. Why are we creating an image that shows us as the worst ranked public university of a set? Are we just bragging that while these other schools may be better academically than us, we're better than them at football?

I wonder what 8,9, and 10 are and how they do in football.

We should have used Top 10. Also we should be using Times Higher Education not USNews, which doesn't measure acdemics.