Crowd Noise in the Expanded Stadium...


Damn Good Rat
Dec 2, 2001
Does anyone think that after we're finally done with all the expansion that the noise level on the field will be greatly enhanced. IMO, it will.

We'll have stands and/or structures (such as wardlaw) on all sides. So the noise won't be able to escape like it has in the past. We'll have people screaming from all directions and the lower deck folks will really be close to the field. The sidelines will shrink a good bit on both sides, as the field is centered better. I think the slope of the north stands will help, as well. It's fairly vertical (unlike Sanford Stadium, which slopes out more) and will act to hold in the noise better. Let's not forget all the aluminum stands that folks can stomp on. OH,and I almost fergot...there'll be 13,000 additional fans in the seats (at least at some games).

If we get up off our butts and scream, I think BDS will be as loud as any stadium in the country, on a per fan basis.

With the stands as close as they are, I think it can be as loud as any stadium in the country for the players on the field. That includes bigger stadiums. People out west always talk about how loud Oregon's Autzen stadiums is, and it only holds about 46,000. This, of course, is because the stands are so close to the field and are very vertical. I think having our students in both endzones may help, too. The loudest people will be on both sides of the field, and thus surrounding the action on the field.
That's a great point. Autzen is supposedly a noise factory on game day. Also, I hope they put our best games on Saturday nights, because those are our best crowds.
Have checked out BDS several times since it's been under construction.

First time I went by and things were starting to take shape, first thoughts where, 'wow this place is going to make some serious noise.'

It's inclosed with very littls space in north west and south west corners. A lot closer than it looks in any of the drawings I've seen.

The fans are right on top of the field all around.

The field being raised will have an effect as well. Sat in my set last Sat for fun and took some pics. Really could notice sitting in my lower west seat that the field is so much higher and closer.

It's going to by awesome baby!!!!

Saw Nat Dorsey and Denise Davis down there and spoke for a bit. They were hanging out by Edge Center. They're having a great summer. Sounded like they were working hard in weight room. They both are "impressed" with the stadium. I am too!!

Go Jackets!!!
The stadium definitely should be louder. It's ashame they built that Wardlaw Center where they did, though, 'cause we could have had a double decked South end zone stands. Speaking of the end zone seats, I would think the upper level would give a better vantage point for watching the game. It's hard to tell how many yards are gained on a play from lower level end zone perspective.
GTTerrific How can i get a copy of the GT spring football game that someone was selling over on the HIVE for $20.00 dollars?
tommie, not sure honestly. I recall that being sold, but can't remember who it was doing the selling. Would like to have a copy of that myself now. I'll try to ask around!!
tommie, Buzzilla is the one with the video of the spring game. I can't remember what his email is, but I think he posted it on here at one point, so if you look for a post that was started by him, maybe you can figure it out.
Agree that BDS will be rocking come 8/31, really getting excited about it. All the changes will put seats right up close to the action, but remember the old horseshoe (yes I'm an OF). The new south seats will be vastly better than those. The playing field is moving closer to the West stands and I hope to be able to see better over the team bench from my row 1 LW season tics.