You can do that too quickly.
Next year there will be between 50 and 60 Collins recruits on the team. Maybe less, with normal attrition.
You want to go to war with a team of 50 to 60 players? And your youngest players at that? You can't.
Collins knows this. He got the holdover players to buy in on him. The way you get the holdover players to buy in on him is to treat them the same as "his" players, have one team and only one team undivided, and motivate them to be more than they ever thought they could be.
I love it when Curry and Mason and Carpenter do well. We would not be the team we are without them. I wish there were more holdovers like Curry, and less like Christian Philpott,
Mikell Lands-Davis, Dorian Walker,
and Dante Wigley. Not criticizing those athletes directly, but they were rated higher than Curry, and Curry is here and they were not.