Dedrick Mills dismissed

Sounds like academic cheating to me. Immediately expulsion.

He was not expelled from school. CPJ specifically said it was a GTAA rule.

Gotta be a 3rd strike for failed drug testing. That's the only thing that calls for permanent suspension, rather than temporary.
I don't check the football forum for one day and we have the biggest moving day on the butthurt market in two years. Another opportunity missed...
Been on thin ice FOREVER.Just a matter of time. I hoped he would get through this yr.
Bring on Jerry "Dedrick 2" Howard and lets play ball.
@aeromech is right, using drugs is not a crime.

For example in federal law:

As used in this section, the term "drug, narcotic, or chemical offense" means any offense which proscribes the possession, distribution, manufacture, cultivation, sale, transfer, or the attempt or conspiracy to possess, distribute, manufacture, cultivate, sell or transfer any substance the possession of which is prohibited under this subchapter.
@aeromech is drawing a 'distinction without a difference' in legal parlance. It is not possible to 'use' drugs without 'possessing' drugs. So if you fail a drug test, a fortiori you possessed drugs.
@aeromech is drawing a 'distinction without a difference' in legal parlance. It is not possible to 'use' drugs without 'possessing' drugs. So if you fail a drug test, a fortiori you possessed drugs.

What if someone shotgunned him drugs?
...starting another guy whjo bailed because he was 2nd string behind Mills.

In retrospect, it would have been really nice for Mills to get his 3rd strike last year before the transfer.

Someone linked an article that seemed to indicate that Marshall was leaving anyway.
Marshall knew that Mills' next misstep would mean his dismissal. And he probably knew that Mills was doing whatever he did to get dismissed.

He transferred anyways.

Next man up.
Been on thin ice FOREVER.Just a matter of time. I hoped he would get through this yr.
Bring on Jerry "Dedrick 2" Howard and lets play ball.

So now Jerry's getting kicked off the team 2? What in the actual f!
If they had drug tested the 1990 national championship team, I wonder how many would have passed.