Definition of fair-weather (bandwagon) fan...


Sep 24, 2002
I love the Boston Herald definition "Boston Herald sports columnist Tony Massarotti equates bandwagon fans to church patrons who show up only at Christmas."

I think this is particularly egregious when applying fair-weather behavior to college kids that are working their butt of for your school.

Others from on-line dictionaries:
A bandwagon fan, also called a "fair-weather fan" supports their team only when it is winning.
[1] They will often ""jump" on and off the "bandwagon" of the teams having the most recent success in the major professional and college sports.
[2] Boston Herald sports columnist Tony Massarotti equates bandwagon fans to church patrons who show up only at Christmas.
[3] Ali Hasnain of the Daily Utah Chronicle calls bandwagon fans, people (who) root for teams or players who they have no clue about.
[4] A bandwagon fan will often leave a game before completion should their adopted team be losing.
We've got a few folks at our church who do that. ;)

We are just happy to see them anytime of the year.:D
GGGT, please go to the 4Way for me and have a chili dog and a hamburger with gravy on the same plate! That's my idea of a perfect lunch!
yellowbritchies said:
GGGT, please go to the 4Way for me and have a chili dog and a hamburger with gravy on the same plate! That's my idea of a perfect lunch!

Will do. Can I only have one of each???:laugher:
I'll pass on the burger w/ gravy, reminds me too much of a c-ration dish I couldn't stand, but would you eat another chili dog for me also?
goldeagle said:
I'll pass on the burger w/ gravy, reminds me too much of a c-ration dish I couldn't stand, but would you eat another chili dog for me also?

If I must!!! :laugher:
hiveredtech said:
[3] Ali Hasnain of the Daily Utah Chronicle calls bandwagon fans, people (who) root for teams or players who they have no clue about.

Maybe I am as bad or worse than FDR post Pearl Harbor, but why is a dude by the name of Ali Hasnain writing American sports articles out of Utah?

I know this is politically incorrect to some, but I don't care.

Merry Christmas!
pocket_watch said:
Maybe I am as bad or worse than FDR post Pearl Harbor, but why is a dude by the name of Ali Hasnain writing American sports articles out of Utah?

I know this is politically incorrect to some, but I don't care.

:laugher: C'mon p_w, don't you remember NFL placekicker Ali Haji-Sheikh? He even kicked for the home team in '86.
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So can someone with an Italian name cover American football? It's not politically incorrect pw, it's just plain dumb. For all you know his family has been in this country longer than yours.
hiveredtech said:
I love the Boston Herald definition "Boston Herald sports columnist Tony Massarotti equates bandwagon fans to church patrons who show up only at Christmas."

I am an admitted fair-weather Atlanta Falcon fan. If they are winning, I pay attention and watch and cheer. If they are losing--I hardly pay them any mind. I don't jump on another bandwagon; I just don't get emotionally involved beyond checking the scores. The same goes for the Hawks and increasingly so with the Braves.

In my younger years I knew the schedules, the players, etc...but now it's too time consuming and emotionally consuming.

HOWEVA...GT sports are completely different...:biggthumpup:
ncjacket said:
It's not politically incorrect pw, it's just plain dumb. For all you know his family has been in this country longer than yours.

Not by that name. I will guarantee that.
You are wrong that my statement is not politically incorrect. I do agree that it was dumb to air my view publicly on a football forum.
My point was that politically incorrect is too weak a term for your statement. It was too stupid to be simply politically incorrect. And while I don't know long your family has been in America, I would submit that you also don't have any idea how long his has, no matter their name.
pocket_watch said:
Maybe I am as bad or worse than FDR post Pearl Harbor, but why is a dude by the name of Ali Hasnain writing American sports articles out of Utah?

I know this is politically incorrect to some, but I don't care.

Merry Christmas!
Right on PW!!! I have had enough the political correctness crap!!

Merry Christmas is right!!! :santa:
ncjacket said:
My point was that politically incorrect is too weak a term for your statement. It was too stupid to be simply politically incorrect. And while I don't know long your family has been in America, I would submit that you also don't have any idea how long his has, no matter their name.

I knew exactly what you meant. You certainly have the right to attack any opinion on any topic that doesn't follow your middle of the road PC mentality.
You still miss the point. I don't care whether you think it's pc or not. My point is you don't know that guy, you only read his name. And based on that you've decided that somehow it's wrong for him to be writing about football? That's not pc it's stupid.
ncjacket, with all due respect, I'm sure its safe to say that a guy named Ali Hasnein probably didn't have relatives that came to this country by way of the Mayflower, Irish and Scottish Immigrants in the mid 1800's, or through Ellis Island.

Just a hunch though. That said, he probably doesn't ride the short bus like some of the posters on this board.
You're right. But we also don't know when pw's ancestors came over either. Have his people been here long enough to talk about football?
ncjacket said:
Have his people been here long enough to talk about football?

Yes they have, and thanks for inquiring!
My entire clan is very happy to report that none of us felt the need to change our name for religious or political motive.