Deja vu, anyone?

Re: Uh oh

He didn't hire Tenuta, you idiot, my point he isn't going to bring anybody on the staff himself.

[/ QUOTE ]Quickly, now; let us resort to childish insults before logic can dilute our thoughts!

In spite of how questionable your stance on the subject is, I said nothing of the hiring of John Tenuta. If what you said was true, then Chan wouldn't have Tenuta around, period.
Re: Uh oh

You started the flame war...Tenuta is around because he is extremely competent but Chan didn't select him. My feeling is simply this. Gailey has a weak offensive staff and an ineffective ST coach (would you disagree?) I feel that way because of the results we see on the field. Now Gailey either cannot attract competent assistants or he chooses those who are not. That excludes Tenuta who was brought on by Braine and is now the most valuable coach we have. I think Gailey may not want assistants who work directly with him such as the offensive guys who would seem more competent than him. Whether you agree or not with me the results on the field and the progress made by our QB certainly indicate some weaknesses somewhere. If he cannot attract good assistants or if he chooses less competent people doesn't represents a major problem!
Re: Uh oh

You started the flame war...

[/ QUOTE ]Third tactic in internet self-defense: If you're in the wrong, do not admit it. Simply blame someone else.

Come off of it. You were the one that threw the insult, and so the only "flaming" was done by you. In order for it to have been a "flame war", I would have had to insult you in return - I did not, so it is not.
Re: Uh oh

Curious, how do you KNOW it to be true?

[/ QUOTE ]

Good question, NC.
However, in the bigger picture it just doesn't matter. All my senses say that CG now completely gets it. My warming to CG took a long time, and for a while thought he should be replaced.
However Tenuta came to be at Tech is fine with me. Anyone who thinks Chan can't identify and hire good coaches is someone that you can't converse with.

Now, he can prove me wrong if this winter is not a very active one in personnel moves. With the extension, I believe Chan will be more assertive in getting his team right. I happen to believe his stubborness of the past will be gone when he gets well deserved help from the top.

That, I think will happen soon.
Re: Uh oh

Fact Gailey hired Tenuta and he was never told to do it.
Fact Gailey enables JT to be successful.Without Gailey's commitment to the D there would be no Great Tenuta Defense.
Re: Uh oh

Go back and read your post and the "true genius' started it I just responded. If you don't like my opinion of Gailey and his staff so be it, we just disagree.
Re: Uh oh

A highly reliable source deep inside the program. If you want to discuss it further it'll have to be at Stamys.
Re: Uh oh

Well I hope you are right about personnel moves after the season because there are several to be made. Lets hope that Chan CAN identify and hire some competent coaches to replace those that apparently he did not do such a good job selecting. Assuming you feel he must have failed in that regard since you call for some changes! I want him to succeed but I think his stubborness and/or loyalty to those he has hired is negatively impacting his performance.
Re: Uh oh

Assuming you feel he must have failed in that regard since you call for some changes! I want him to succeed but I think his stubborness and/or loyalty to those he has hired is negatively impacting his performance.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hiring the wrong guy is not necessarily failing if you are willing to make the changes needed to improve the product.

Yes, I clearly and strongly believe that personnel changes must and will occur over the winter. Along with the personnel moves, I expect to see a new offensive scheme in 2006.
I will make it clear that I don't speak to Chan Gailey any more than those that only see him at fan day.
I could certainly be wrong about these assertions, but I believe we will see a different head coach after his extension.
If Chan is smart he has been grooming someone on

that defensive staff to step into the position when / if Tenuta moves on.