Dem, why is Georgia ranked 99 in all three team categories in NCAA 2009, that's bullcrap!
please not stuff you can't google:Dem, what is the square root of 5941871498714741?
Dem, how do I set up my defense to stop screens and over the middle passes on NCAA 2009? They're my weakness.
Dems, I met a nice girl who was scandalously dressed on Williams St. the other night and now my man parts itch. Should I see a Doctor. Also, I think she might have been a man, is there anyway to check for that in the future?
Split your linemen out wide to stop screens. Splitting the LBs wide will help with them too, but that will leave you weak up the middle. To stop the quick slants, bump your receivers off the line, and don't run Cover 2 or Cover 3. They're week up the middle.