I find it difficult to believe that any well prepared student even a football player could drop from a high C grade to failing in one of these courses. I am left to believe that they either:
A. had low C or worse grades going into the final
B. that they just did not prepare for the test and got a ridiculously low grade (sub-50)
C. they did not show up for the exam at all
Right. So if both players said "screw it" and didn't study during dead week for whatever reason, and flunked their finals.. ..there's not a lot a football coach can do about that. Case B or Case C.
If this is the case, then explain Chan's quote in the original message. Straight from the horse's mouth, he admits to being unaware of the problem and consequently not taking all the steps possible to help correct the problem because of the oversight.
Perhaps he was unaware of the "problem" because there was no prior indication of the "problem," because it was Case B or Case C instead of Case A from your list.
I'm not saying I know what happened. I AM saying that
since flunkgate the academic performace of our football team has been as
high as it ever has been in my memory. Is it perfect? Nope. But it's certainly not 11 players flunking out of school, and it's certainly not NCAA sanctionable, and from a fan's perspective we only lost one talented player to it anyway.
Furthermore, JT, I think you need to understand Chan's "buck stops with me" mentality. He always takes responsibility for everything in every press conference. Every time we lose, he takes the blame, whether it was his fault or not. Would you prefer we had Amato for a coach?
Perhaps you'd have been happier if Chan said, "Yeah, well it's not my fault Reggie's a dumbass." ..?