

Probably Drinks Cosmopolitans
Jul 23, 2002
My wife (Auburn grad) has been given tickets to the UGA/Auburn game Saturday. As much as I would like to attend Sr. day at the Flats, I would also like to see Auburn end UGAg chances at the SEC Championship.

Originally posted by Wrecked:
Having attended an Auburn vs. UGA game myself, you need to go to Jordan-Hare for at least one. Go over early, tailgate, listen to the Jackets on the radio (if you can get reception) and enjoy the game. You will not be disappointed.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Wrecked,
I've been to 2 already @ Jordan-Hare and 6 in the series. UGAg is 1-5, the one being that crazy overtime game the first year of the new OT rules (at Jordan-Hare).
If you like to watch Auburn play football, why don't you go to the Iron Bowl?
Ok, here's the solution:

Show up early for the GT game. I'm thinking be on the tailgate by 8am or so. Have Bloody Marys and Chick-fil-a chicken biscuits for breakfast, Varsity carry-out chili dogs (for simplicity) and beam and coke for lunch. Go to the GT game.

Watch GT score 9 touchdowns on Duke, watch Manget break the record at home, leave the stadium as soon as you finish singing "Ramblin Wreck" and "White and Gold" with the team.

Head straight up 85 to PDK airport where you have an Epps Aviation chartered jet waiting. The pilots have wine and cheese at your seats, the engines running, the red carpet rolled out, and the IFR clearance already taken care of (it gonna rain cats and dogs Saturday you know). You blast off and head southwest.

The limo waiting for you takes you from the Auburn airport to the stadium gates. You get there during halftime.

Watch the Tigers whip up on the dogs (thus ruining their near-perfect season).

Board the jet, head back home.

If you do exactly as I've said, you are guarenteed mile high lovin' from your wife (wink, wink) all the way back to Atlanta, and perhaps the rest of the weekend.

Go Jackets!
Originally posted by cropdusterengineer:
Ok, here's the solution:

Show up early for the GT game. I'm thinking be on the tailgate by 8am or so. Have Bloody Marys and Chick-fil-a chicken biscuits for breakfast, Varsity carry-out chili dogs (for simplicity) and beam and coke for lunch. Go to the GT game.

Watch GT score 9 touchdowns on Duke, watch Manget break the record at home, leave the stadium as soon as you finish singing "Ramblin Wreck" and "White and Gold" with the team.

Head straight up 85 to PDK airport where you have an Epps Aviation chartered jet waiting. The pilots have wine and cheese at your seats, the engines running, the red carpet rolled out, and the IFR clearance already taken care of (it gonna rain cats and dogs Saturday you know). You blast off and head southwest.

The limo waiting for you takes you from the Auburn airport to the stadium gates. You get there during halftime.

Watch the Tigers whip up on the dogs (thus ruining their near-perfect season).

Board the jet, head back home.

If you do exactly as I've said, you are guarenteed mile high lovin' from your wife (wink, wink) all the way back to Atlanta, and perhaps the rest of the weekend.

Go Jackets!
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">The dilemma appears to have been solved
My friend. That is tough because of wife's connection to AU. Being the GT man you are gives you ties to Uggagly. Yes, our ties with them are twisted but there.
It's a big game with a lot on the line between AU and UGA. Can see where you'd have a great desire to go to this game.

The Duke game is our last home game at BDS this year. The last for all these seniors that have played there hearts out for GT over the years. We've watched them come on campus as boys and are going to watch them leave as men. Means a great deal to me.

There is so much on the line for us with the Duke game. We're in a new coaching staff's first year fighting for a bowl big. We're fighting to have an even mark in the ACC. I want to see these young men go to a bowl so badly.

The thing about your delimma is your wife. How much does she care about going to the AU/Uggagly puppy game? That's the kicker.

Me personally would be at BDS with out even flinching. That's me. Not to say it would be wrong for you to go to the AU game. Good luck!

Go Jackets!
Good for her. She can take a friend and head down while you go see the Jackets.

And you'll be able to see the 2nd half of Auburn whipping up on Georgia on TV. You won't miss anything except poorly educated double knitted rednecks.

Don't tell me you are going to let a free ticket to a UGA game miss a Tech game. Hey, if you really like to watch UGA play football, give me your address and next year I'll buy you UGA tickets and get them to you. GEEEEEZ.
Having attended an Auburn vs. UGA game myself, you need to go to Jordan-Hare for at least one. Go over early, tailgate, listen to the Jackets on the radio (if you can get reception) and enjoy the game. You will not be disappointed.
#7 vs #24 and make the wife happy or
#38 vs #71
Depends if you want to get lucky this week.