Disappointed in the negative posts here...


Patrick Henry
Jul 25, 2002
In fact I hope that you realize that you might be acting immature. Pouting (if I may be so bold as to say so).

When one is a kid one dreams big. How many of you are doing what you dreamed you would do when you were a child? How many of you are working your dream job right now? How many of you are NUMBER ONE in the world at your job?

A rational person would look at a team ON PROBATION that wins the Coastal Division as a success. Please think before you post. Please think before you throw out completely unreasonable criticism.

Some posters here are trying their hardest to doom GT to the ACC cellar. The big advantages we have when hiring coaches is we have a decent amount of money and a rational fan base. Please don't let us become the next Alabama where irrational fans make the HC job a coach killer.

Rome wasn't built in a day. Chan weathered a storm and has worked us up to ACC contenders with what might be arguably the worst four year starter in Div 1 history. Is that Chan's fault? Perhaps, but give him credit for the OUTCOME. Monday morning QBing about Taylor is unfair. Taylor may have been 1-20 with four picks LOL. The fact that matters is 9-4 and a bowl that matters is a huge step forward for the program. Perhaps Taylor all year would've set us up better for 2007. Perhaps Taylor all year would've meant a UGA win. But it would've been far fetched to mean an ACC title game.

The simple fact is GT will enter a new era next fall. We will find out with a new QB if we have layed the foundation for continued success or if Chan has peaked. The record is possible to step back, but rational fans will know progress when they see it.
GT football recruiting A+
GT football defense A-
GT football ST (punting) A
GT football ST (fieldgoal & PAT) B-
GT football ST kickoffs D
GT football Offense C-
GT football Offensive playcalling C

Who can disagree with me? We know where the problems are. We now must fix them. It lays in the lap of the head coach.
GTCrew said:
In fact I hope that you realize that you might be acting immature. Pouting (if I may be so bold as to say so).

When one is a kid one dreams big. How many of you are doing what you dreamed you would do when you were a child? How many of you are working your dream job right now? How many of you are NUMBER ONE in the world at your job?

A rational person would look at a team ON PROBATION that wins the Coastal Division as a success. Please think before you post. Please think before you throw out completely unreasonable criticism.

Some posters here are trying their hardest to doom GT to the ACC cellar. The big advantages we have when hiring coaches is we have a decent amount of money and a rational fan base. Please don't let us become the next Alabama where irrational fans make the HC job a coach killer.

Rome wasn't built in a day. Chan weathered a storm and has worked us up to ACC contenders with what might be arguably the worst four year starter in Div 1 history. Is that Chan's fault? Perhaps, but give him credit for the OUTCOME. Monday morning QBing about Taylor is unfair. Taylor may have been 1-20 with four picks LOL. The fact that matters is 9-4 and a bowl that matters is a huge step forward for the program. Perhaps Taylor all year would've set us up better for 2007. Perhaps Taylor all year would've meant a UGA win. But it would've been far fetched to mean an ACC title game.

The simple fact is GT will enter a new era next fall. We will find out with a new QB if we have layed the foundation for continued success or if Chan has peaked. The record is possible to step back, but rational fans will know progress when they see it.

The "piling on" of negativity will diminish, day by day. But rational people can see that the ACC is way down from what it has been and that we haven't made many strides this year. Nine wins? Samford, Troy, etc.? Come on! we are revisiting last year.

The only thing different is that we've got a recruiting class waiting in the wings that is head and shoulders (on paper) above that which any coach has assembled here at GT. I hope that these past two weeks don't scare any away.

Gailey is guilty of serious errors in judgement that Rad has to strongly consider. Right now not many people have confidence in Gailey and deservedly so.
Look at your current ratings very carefully. Think about last year's ratings. Then answer a few questions.

First, did Chan allow anything we were doing well to slide? No, despite losing some good players, the D remained great.

Then, did Chan address any issues last year?

1. ST stunk last year on pretty much every level. He fired the ST coach. End result: KO coverage stunk this year, but was our overall STs better than last year? OBVIOUSLY! Punting was awesome and the field goal team was reasonable. The return teams shoed improvement with blocking and returning. Next step for KOs? It looks to my novice eye that we need more leg.

2. The playcalling/O stunk last year too. Chan stopped calling plays, moving to the the more traditional OC as playcaller. Now who coaches O and who calls plays? The fact is that Gailey has given us no reason to believe that he won't reevaluate the move and react to it in some way. The change may be visible or invisible to the fans.

3. The recruiting was not exceptional. He changed that position as well. The recruiting is exceptional now.

Doesn't it seem a little odd to overemphasize the one area that didn't improve without giving full credit for maintaining success on the D side and praising improvement on the STs and Recruiting? Do you really want to start over with a new HC and the new staff that comes with it when only O seems to be the weak link?
GTCrew said:

3. The recruiting was not exceptional. He changed that position as well. The recruiting is exceptional now.

..and it took him how long to make the change?
So the best Chan slam you can come up with is that it took him too long to make the changes that will land us the best recruiting class on paper (at least since recruiting classes have been ranked)?

Please tell me you can see how nit-picky that is. Or maybe you want to slam him because the dawg's class is better.

Success now is success now. What he is doing NOW is EXCEPTIONAL. To call for his head NOW is to say that the results NOW are not acceptable.
The fact that Chan has a terrible quarterback situation is no one's fault but his own. Poor recruiting, lousy QB development, and stubborn reluctance to pull a QB who is performing horribly! Add to that Nix's play calling and you have an offense that grades F in 3 of the 4 last games.
I will give Nix credit for utilizing Ball's running skills far more effectively than Gailey.
We have a team that rates:

D: A+
ST: B (A on punting, A on KO/Punt returns, B on FGs, D on KOs)
Recruiting: A+
O: F

It is impossible for me to believe that Tech Graduates are so dumb that they can't see the problem. The problem is only at the top if the leader refuses to address the problem.

What would you do? Fire Nix? Demote him? Give him one more year?
The first thing that will help the offense is a change at QB. No need to rehash that here.

But whether Nix goes or stays, we should be able to develop more of an identity with a QB who can consistently complete passes to open receivers ALL OVER THE FIELD. If not, TB, than someone else will be given the chance to do that.

If the above is true, the whoever our OC is can use the entire field in their game planning.

As far as Nix goes, I don't really care. I think he can be better than he was this year, but if he leaves it won't bother me a bit.
If I'm Dan Radakovich, I call in Gailey and tell him how disappointed I am regarding the last 2 games and why are you so reluctant to try another Q.B. if only for a few plays to shake things up. These are your orders: Let Nix go, find another O.C. Find another special teams coach. If we have a losing season or only have 7 wins in '07 you will be replaced. Be more accessible and friendly to the fan base. Take phone calls from our paying customers during your coaches radio show. Failure to do any of these orders will result in you dismissal at the end of the season! Do you understand?
Good ideas for DRad...I would order him to try another QB and play him until he is worse than Ball. I would also order him to tell Reggie to quit being a snotnose to the press and to coaches on the sideline.
yellowjacket said:
I would also order him to tell Reggie to quit being a snotnose to the press and to coaches on the sideline.

Don't forget the constant jawing and trash-talking too. I had enough of that years ago.
ST problems, in fairness, can easily be attributed to probation and flunkgate. We just do not have enough athletes right now to fill a competitive squad. Heck, we have a walkon kicker on ST's!

But the offensive grades have to be D's or worse.
I think the failure to develop/replace quarterbacks if they don't perform is unconscionable. It is huge, it is massive, it overrides so many other things that are happening that are good.

Reggie has lost the faith of his teammates. Read the quotes by KMike and Anoai in the AJC from Sunday. They don't think he can get it done and now it is a morale issue for the team.

It is common practice to pull QB's who aren't performing and try someone else until you find the right guy or the right mix. Richt did it at UGAg this year and by the end of the year found the right guy.

Steve Spurrier did it with his QB's at Florida. Miami did it with their QB's a couple of years ago. Texas did it with Simms and Applewhite.


In college's you have to develop QB's and that means being prepared to sit them down when they've come unglued. Hell, for that matter, NFL coaches still sub more at QB for nonperformance than Chan does.
GTCrew said:
The simple fact is GT will enter a new era next fall. We will find out with a new QB if we have layed the foundation for continued success or if Chan has peaked.

I appreciate your optimism. That optimism will allow you to look forward to next year with enthusiam, and enjoy the offseason.

I wish I could share it. I have watched too much college football in my life. I have debated offensive strategy with college coaches, and I have been invited to watch film by coaches on Curry's staff and Ross' staff.

During Gailey's first year, we played Clemson in the third game. The passing game was the worst I had seen since at least Lewis, and maybe since Curry, who was an old OL with a 4 yards and a cloud of dust philosophy.

I have tried to be patient. We have had OL problems, and depth problems and a supposed change in OC responsibilities. I hoped that things would get better over time.

However, through 5 years and 2 quarterbacks, the passing game has not improved since that Clemson game in 2002. I see no reason that it will improve next year. All that will change is that some people will be blaming (wrongly) a different QB, and others will be taking up for him as a first year starter.

I wish I had your optimism. I really do. But I just don't see cause for hope.
Negative posts are one thing and perfectly permissable, especially if presented with proper respect for those who disagree.
Trouble making posts are something of a different matter.
I sense that, actually it is that kind of post to which you refer. I agree with you.
I have seen a lot of football also. It is obvious from the UGA losses to UK and Vandy that the QB position is by far the most important. Does Vandy or UK have a single player that would play for UGA this year?

If that doesn't prove enough, look at Fridge's tenure at Maryland. He has lived and died with his QB play, and he knows how to get the most out of a QB IMHO.

The bad news is that Taylor and the others are not obviously better than Ball. Suggs has ruined my opinion of transfer QBs so I can't be optimistic about the Auburn transfer. And a true freshman will probably mean 6-6 at best. I'm prepared for a step back to move forward.

The good news is that Taylor has looked OK in his limited game time. He might be a gamer and Nix just couldn't see it. Or perhaps Nix was too scared to try. As bad as our O was, can Chan really fire the OC of a 9-4 team?

Anyway, the reason to be optimistic is that Chan realizes that he is not an OC. We wasted four years perhaps, but it is ancient history now. And we know Ball is not a championship QB. Now we will find out if Nix is an OC or QB coach. If he is, we will be awesome in 2007 and 2008. If he is not, we should be able to get a good OC for 2008 while we still have Tenuta.


1. The special teams coach this year took a unit totally in shambles and showed tremendous progress in 3 of 4 units. Talk of firing him is stupid.
2. The great punt coverage uses mostly the same players that stink on KOs so I don't think our personnel is inadequate.
3. The KO team is showing slight progress going from 35-45-TD on the return to normally 25-30 yard line and occasionally 45. It looks like they finally fully understand lanes and their roles. It isn't 'kill the man with the ball' out there anymore.
4. Our KOs are VERY short. 15 yards shorter than Wake's. Not to mention flat. Factor the location and time where the catch is made in and you will see that 20-25 yard line stops for us are awesome. We need to find a Div 1 KO guy pronto.
Actually I'm not buying all of that. A QB can clearly win games for you when he plays very well. But Skinner at Wake won games by not losing them most of the year. We don't need a new QB to be a Heisman candidate. We simply need him to hit the open receiver when he throws the ball and not turn it over. I'm confident that anyone we put in there next year will do those two things better than Reggie.

Now I'm not saying we'll get it right from the start. We may have some ugly moments early, like the year after JoeHam left. But here's the thing. You assume a QB can throw the ball where he wants it to be right? The question then is consistency and decision making. You worry about a young QB in those areas. But Reggie has trouble after 4 years in those 2 areas and can't hit the broad side of a barn some days so how can it be much worse?
ncjacket, IMHO you have hit on why VT doesn't have rebuilding years as bad as UGA 2006. They don't ask much of the QB. I have no idea if we are like VT, but I suspect we will be more like the typical team that the QB makes a big difference.

However, I pray you are correct and the optimist in me says it isn't like we are replacing JoeHam or Goose. I mean 15-51! 45% for the year! How much worse can next year's QB play?

I believe that we WILL contend next year. Choice is still great and the line will be better. If we can find a TE that can catch, we might be pretty darn good.