Do y'all recall a hive poster with the handle of....


Jul 8, 2002
Do y\'all recall a hive poster with the handle of....


For those of you who don't, he was all over Joe Hamiliton in '97 the way Beeware is on Chan. Saying things like Joe is not and will never be a D1 qb. Accused those that defended Joe of being yes men and wearing "gold-colored glasses.

After Joe proved him wrong, he was man enough to admit it and apologised to Joe and people on the hive that he had berated for months and changed his handle to THWG (I think).

Two questions for Beeware:
1. What will it take for Gailey to prove you wrong? A 10-1 season? 3 consecutive 8+ win seasons? What's your criteria?
2. When (and if!) you are shown to bee wrong about Gailey, will you be be big enough to admit it and apologise?

I just found this board and you just jumped out of the crowd with your obsessive condeming of Braine and Gailey. I can take your ranting a little better if I know you are willing to be found wrong and admit it.

FWIW - I had hoped that Mac would have been given the job, but I do have to admit that CG looks better on paper. Will that translate to success on the field? Maybe, maybe not, but he IS our coach and as such he'll have my support until I see evidence that he is incapable of gittin' the job done.
Re: Do y\'all recall a hive poster with the handle of....


Please, let's not start yet another thread that will give ******* more chance to crow about Braine and Mac and Gailey. It's too much already. Welcome to Stingtalk. Avoid ******* at all costs.
Re: Do y\'all recall a hive poster with the handle of....

Welcome Gee,
This all got started on here because some of the ex-hivers thought everyone had to kiss Braine's arse and go along with his mediocre appointed yes-man coach. It was surprising to see so many not care whatsoever about how miserably our coaches were treated during this process....or how deserving our Seattle Bowl Coaches (that kicked the crap out of the #9 BCS Stanford Cardinal) were of a shot of maintaining and improving on the record that Coach O'leary had.
Instead they all demanded that we all march lock-step off a cliff with Braine and his mediocre 'Buck'. I, for one, refused to go along and so, in typical hive-like fashion they try to shout me down at every opportunity. That is fine and that is their right...but they have awfully short memories (Bill Lewis ring a bell?).
WE will do well this year in spite of 'Buck' (due to the outstanding talent that Coach O left us and also with Coach O'brien's leadership) while 'Buck' tries to remember how to coach college ball...but to tear down all that O'leary had built up is damn fool ridiculous.....It would be just as ridiculous to tear down the stadium addition after all this work and start OVER....think about it.
Again....welcome aboard GEE.
Re: Do y\'all recall a hive poster with the handle of....

Bee, thanks for the welcome, but.....

You didn't answer either one of my questions.

Unless you have inside knowledge of exactly how our coaches were treated, unless you have first hand knowledge of Coach Gailey, the accusations of "tearing down all that O'Leary built" are complete supposition and just as silly as "THIRTEEN AND OH, BAYBEEEEEE".

Maybe time will prove you correct, but as of today you have no credibility with me and I imagine with very few other posters. Post as you please, but I will read very little more of your tripe and certainly will not respond.

*Sigh* You were right, buggy, now my keyboard feels greasy....
Re: Do y\'all recall a hive poster with the handle of....

I guess we will have to defer to your expertise on posting tripe.

In 'Buck' We Trust
Re: Do y\'all recall a hive poster with the handle of....

GEETEELEE get used to it. I haven't seen Beeware answer a question since I've been checking this board. Whether he is right or wrong he has destroyed most of his credibility with most posters due to his continual attacks on Gailey (still don't understand the "yes-man" crap) and the simple fact that he won't engage in any kind of debate, it's just who can yell the longest with him.
Re: Do y\'all recall a hive poster with the handle of....

I asked ******* about a month ago: "What would it take for you to say something nice about Gailey?"

Of course, ******* hasn't responded. He won't respond to any other questions either. It's all giggles and laughs and posting something silly about "buck".
Re: Do y\'all recall a hive poster with the handle of....

Quite honestly Beeware's habit of derailing good
debates and conversations is holding this board
back. He can't stay out of the way long enough
to let the adults here have a mature conversation.