Does Anybody Else

My contribution: I think it is proven that you can determine how well we play or who we play, but it is impossible to know how well we will play against whom.
Haha, that's like, Techbertger's Cat, right?

wave like motion of quantum matter.
I think Reggie's got the whole "wave-particle duality" concept pretty well nailed down with his passes. Sometimes they're there, sometimes they're not. :P

Quick, solve this equation to catch the pass!:


And don't even mention the Two Slit experiment - I'm sure if there were a way that the football could go inside the uprights and outside the uprights at the same time, Bell would be the guy to do it.

I finally understand what's been holding us back: Relativity. The Michelson Morley experiment proved that The Speed Of Chan is a universal constant, (7 wins per 5,878,625,373,183.61 statute miles traveled by a quanta of light) upon which GT Football Relativity was based. Now that we have this new quantum theory that doesn't jive with gravitational macrophysics, we can default to it instead, and win more games.

out-nerding the thread
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beej67 said:
Haha, that's like, Techbertger's Cat, right?

I think Reggie's got the whole "wave-particle duality" concept pretty well nailed down with his passes. Sometimes they're there, sometimes they're not. :P

Quick, solve this equation to catch the pass!:


And don't even mention the Two Slit experiment - I'm sure if there were a way that the football could go inside the uprights and outside the uprights at the same time, Bell would be the guy to do it.

I finally understand what's been holding us back: Relativity. The Michelson Morley experiment proved that The Speed Of Chan is a universal constant, (7 wins per 5,878,625,373,183.61 statute miles traveled by a quanta of light) upon which GT Football Relativity was based. Now that we have this new quantum theory that doesn't jive with gravitational macrophysics, we can default to it instead, and win more games.

out-nerding the thread
:wow: :wow: :wow:
The Michelson Morley experiment proved that The Speed Of Chan is a universal constant
Due to the diligent scientists, hard at work at Georgia Tech, technology has improved significantly since the Michelson Morley period of time. Science has definitively answered the question of whether Chan consists of a stream of particles or is some kind of wave. We used to think that Chan was a constant stream of ice cream particles which generally disappeared into that black hole stomach. But after losing mass post dieting, we now know that Chan is a GOLD WAVE headed in a straight line in the general direction of Jacksonville at a speed of 186,282.397 miles per second. Not to worry, I don't know of any State Trooper that can keep up with him at that velocity.

If we go any deeper, we'll have to recruit David Finkelstein in the Physics Dept to translate these posts for us on Stingtalk. :laugher:
David Finkelstein

I had that guy for Optics and Modern Physics. Dude was a genius. Our 2nd test (relativity, laplace transformations, all that crap) was a giant Star Trek episode. Hilarious.

Kingons are traveling towards the Earth at Warp 9 (90% of the speed of light) in the Earth's rest frame. Captain Kirk leaves the earth to intercept them at Warp 4 (40% the speed of light) in the Earth's rest frame. How fast is Captain Kirk closing on the Klingons in the Klingon's rest frame?
It got worse from there. There were photon torpedos, and all kinds of crap. The test was a math nightmare, but pretty funny to think about in retrospect.
I had that guy for Optics and Modern Physics. Dude was a genius.
Ole Fink was my advisor in grad school. He got his PhD from MIT and was a really smart guy. One of those guys who has been there, done that and didn't have to prove anything to anyone.

You're lucky that Fink didn't add any questions about the time that Mr. Spock explained Quantum Dot and String Theory to Scotty. How would you like to explain on a test, how Scotty can beam you up in 11 different dimensions?
You're lucky that Fink didn't add any questions about the time that Mr. Spock explained Quantum Dot and String Theory to Scotty.

It was an undergrad course, sir. 11d string theory was waaay out of our scope.

Hehehehe. He said, "slit."

I think the key takeaway of the GT football 2-slit experiment is that we could not tell whether the game results was a Win or Loss, when no one was watching. When we had fans watching, the game results collapsed. Since our fan base was so divided, our results were divided almost evenly between wins and losses.

Now, with the enthusiasm we have shown at YJA and games like Miami, we have enough people watching the games to know that we are winning most of the time! Basic quantum physics!

Oh, and it was Heidenbert's Uncertainty Principle.

The Techbertzger's Cat experiment is when Buzzoff closes down to the public, do they actually exist?
Are we turning into a Trekkie-esque nerd board?

I know us GT fans are supposed to be a little nerdy, but this is just over the top!!:laugher:
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The Techbertzger's Cat experiment is when Buzzoff closes down to the public, do they actually exist?
More like, "If you lock BeeBad in a air tight chamber, and pick a can at random from a shelf that has unmarked cans of cyanide and oxygen on it, and put it in the chamber..."

..yeah, well, I'm not going to finish it. But it's closer to the actual "experiment!"
Refining The Experiment

If you locked a Buzzoffer in a room with a can of beer and a can of poisoned grape Kool-ade, and forced them to watch replays of the Miami-GT games (both years, back to back), you would not know which one they drank until they open up their forum again.
Are we turning into a Trekkie-esque nerd board?
Sorry TG. We just got carried away considering all the probabilities that our team is going to transform mass into the energy needed to win an ACC Championship.

In reality, I simply can't see Schrodingers wave equation (or any other differential equation) being transcribed onto Reggie's armband play cheat-sheet just yet. But anything is possible. :fingersx:

Techbert: Just for grins, I tried to connect to the BuzzOff URL and got the following message. Looks like their mod can't even keep that board running on the Internet.

"Network Timeout
The operation timed out when attempting to contact
The requested site did not respond to a connection request and the browser has stopped waiting for a reply."