Done with the Hive...


beware the zealot
Dec 17, 2001
WebNazi pulled my account for objecting to his censorship on the court pledge ruling. What a jerk he is. Lets try to get something going over here. Invite a friend.
Don't worry, man. You are not alone in your feelings. There is no censorship here, unless you try to talk bad about student athletes (the only no no). Welcome to Stingtalk!
The Hive doesn't have the luxury of multiple
forums. Political and religious threads shove
useful sports and GT related topics off the
board. On top of that, RR is very clear about
the guidelines for posting.
The hive is a censored forum where you toe the company line or else.
Stingtalk would be like that also if some of these gold-smoke blowing Braine-kissers were in charge (or should that be Braine blowing gold smoke kissers?!?).

Fortunately, they are not in charge.


In 'Buck' We Trust
gee whiz, RR actually followed through on one of his rules, no politics! Following rules?!?! What is this world coming to?!?!
To his credit, he is pretty lenient. But it is his board and he has the right to run it as he see fit.

I pushed the envelope the other day,
, apologized and moved on.

As long as you continue to kiss RR's arse (right in the middle)you will be fine on the hive.
And as far as RR's rules....he is as inconsistent as it is humanly possible to be. Kind of like a little kid throwing a temper tantrum whenever he chooses.


In 'Buck' We Trust
The Hive is a good board. And Cracker Jacket is correct. There's one board only, so the miscellaneous threads can push the good sports stuff right over the cliff. I'm sure RR has a tough job policing that board, and maybe it'll be a little easier when it all switches over to the insiders.

Ramblinwise, I'm sorry you were booted. Over here, there are multiple boards for the political topics and the various sports. GTFAN and BEESTORM have one rule. If you follow that rule, you'll be OK.
CrackerJacket is correct that he is clear on his rules. It's tough for a poster though to tell what rules are enforced ridged and which are not. In fact some rules are even a joke. I know that starting political threads causes meaningful "GT Sports" related threads off the board.

Look at the Hive late in the day. Most of the time the largest threads that given day have absolutely nothing to do with GT sports.

I love the hive for the info that I can receive, but its a play house for many for their glory and not the good of GT.

Read the hive all the time. Someone will send me an email asking, "did you see ..... posted on hive." I'll go check and can't find it because of all the inside jokes, personal threads, UGA posts, caption threads, lesbian, or whatever posts.

It's true statement that some people can get away with more on the hive than others. It's RR's board, so he can do with it what he wants. <---- not meant as flame towards RR.

There is definately an "in crowd" on the Hive. Personally, I feel we are all in this together. Even Beeware who's got a chip on his shoulder ;-).

Making enimies of one another just brings dissension. That's not going to accomplish anything. I'm speaking to myself here as well.

I'm sorry ramblinwise that you got the yank. The thread was going pretty good until someone posted something to the effect, "this is going to be trouble because it's politcial and religous." Then it all went to pot. Thanks for posting your view on that in the mannor that you did. Wasn't your fault it was turned into a political feast. In all honesty any thread can be made political if someone attacks it in the right way ;-).

I'm not trying to take RR's side, ramblinwise's, or anyone's side for that matter. I just think it's a shame because we are all part of the GT family.

I'm glad this board is here for ramblinwise and those that get yanked for whatever reason from the Hive.

This place is odviously growing despite beeware's bitterness and hatefulness ;-).

And, Beeware, I'm just picking on you because you're an easy target. If I didn't think you were a big boy able to handle it then I wouldn't. YOu odviously are a tough cookie.
Originally posted by beeware:
he is as inconsistent as it is humanly possible to be.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Can you cite a case where he has been this inconsistent? If anything, the exact opposite is true. No threads on politics on the Hive. End of story. The board has some pretty simple rules, if you think about it. If you can't follow the rules, than don't post on the Hive. It's that simple.
I agree with cb. Follow the rules or suffer the consequences - no different than anything else in life - except nowadays many people are not held accountable for their actions and get upset when it finally happens.

I like to read both boards because I think they both have something to offer.
the biggest gripe i have about the hive is, what does that have to do with ga tech, well, if it is one of the hive cheerleaders they can mention the sec or ugag or mark richt or whatever but, if you are not one of the 12 disciples you are reprimanded.
The Hive has some good info re GT sports. However, I don't feel as comfortable posting there as I do here on StinGTalk. I respect the rules of that board and strive to follow them.

Here I feel that everyone's opinion is respected even if some are not acceptable to a majority of the posters. IMHO, we are all here to discuss our feelings on a wide range of topics but we do have the prime purpose of discussing GT sports.


I've always heard it's best to never discuss politics and religion. You only piss off people and make enemies when you do. I like RR's Hive rules myself.
Wow!! Thanks for the many words of encouragement. I don't wish RR ill, but IMHO he IS NOT consistent in enforcing his rules.

He winks at "the 5" and other Okeefe tailgaters and blasts anyone else at random. But once again not trying to blast RR, but any board as successful as the Hive is joyous because it gives Tech folks a rare chance to interact on a number of subjects, and I don't just want to stick to only sports or liberal politics.

Is it just me or are we not an overly competitive bunch anyway, Techmen I mean. After all those years of scratching each other's eyes out competing with each other in classes we could use a few lessons in COOPERATION & COLLABORATION.