Dwags on the board for Fulmer Cup

I'm actually curious what you have to do to get arrested in Athens as a UGA football player for misdemeanor marijuana offenses. Just because a law exists doesn't mean it is routinely enforced. If everyone found with MJ by the cops were arrested for possession, the volume of charges would be huge. I would be further surprised if Athens PD had a habit of strict enforcement surrounding UGA athletes. Thus, I suspect the presence of the MJ was pretty blatant and there was a good reason for police to investigate further (e.g. traffic violation).

UGA police love to bust students for weed and any other minor things like alcohol
And the subset of students that are athletes are included in that knuckle-dragging "imma bust you" police mentality
So, yeah, there's that
I'm actually curious what you have to do to get arrested in Athens as a UGA football player for misdemeanor marijuana offenses. Just because a law exists doesn't mean it is routinely enforced. If everyone found with MJ by the cops were arrested for possession, the volume of charges would be huge. I would be further surprised if Athens PD had a habit of strict enforcement surrounding UGA athletes. Thus, I suspect the presence of the MJ was pretty blatant and there was a good reason for police to investigate further (e.g. traffic violation).

The secrant thread on this doesn't seem to think so. 3 pages of bitching about how disgusting it is that the PD in Athens is targeting young black football players. That is until somebody posted the update that his RA called the UGA cops after smelling weed from his dorm room at 3am and Holyfield answered the door with bloodshot eyes.


"misdemeanor possession for less then an ounce...at 3am
You think that shite happens elsewhere?"

"Jesus Christ. Forget Tech or Florida. Jimmy Williamson is Georgia's biggest rival."

"Do the Athens/CCPD get bonuses for arresting football players? If this had happened on any other campus in this SEC, you likely would have never even heard about it."

"I feel like this is an episode of Dear White People."

"except he's black

"Imagine how quickly this would be shut down if the cops used white fraternity stickers on vehicles as probable cause?"

"I'd love for Kirby to send a message here by not disciplining him at all."

"The smell of burning marijuana coming from and a subsequent search of Elijah Holyfield's dorm room led to the Georgia running back's Monday morning arrest. According to a police report obtained by Dawgs247 a pair of UGA police offers were called to Vandiver Hall by a resident adviser who had detected the smell of marijuana coming from Holyfield's dorm room. When the officers knocked on the door and identified themselves it was Holyfield who answered. The report notes that the sophomore ball carrier's eyes were red and bloodshot."


Apparently he's rooming with two of their more heralded recruits and he's likely ending up taking the fall for them.
RA should have just knocked on the door and told them to cut that shit out.
Yeah it's really the RA that made this happen. Someone calling the cops because they are disturbed by illegal activity results in cops finding illegal activity = arrest. Incidental marijuana possession not disturbing anyone or posing safety concern is a pass.
Kirby Smart's monday morning film breakdown session:

"Okay, here's your first lesson of dorm life. First, open the window. Next, put a wet towel in the door crack. Next, take a toilet paper roll, and stuff some fabric softener sheets in it, like this. Then blow in this end here, like this."

I honestly don't know what they're teaching kids in college these days...
When you are out at 4am in a college town you are going to be targeted regardless of your race or athletic skill.
I'm actually curious what you have to do to get arrested in Athens as a UGA football player for misdemeanor marijuana offenses. Just because a law exists doesn't mean it is routinely enforced. If everyone found with MJ by the cops were arrested for possession, the volume of charges would be huge. I would be further surprised if Athens PD had a habit of strict enforcement surrounding UGA athletes. Thus, I suspect the presence of the MJ was pretty blatant and there was a good reason for police to investigate further (e.g. traffic violation).
A lot of it probably has to do with the king of the world mentality that student athletes, more specifically football players at a factory, sometimes have. They're probably a little more brash about it than a lot of other students.
You must abide by the laws of the state in which you are located. It's fair to count it.

Precisely. Young Mr. Holyfield could have had his pick of schools to go to, even in those states with much more relaxed attitudes toward blazing up. And how is the campus' and the local cops' enforcement of pot laws - and how to get around them - NOT part of UGA's recruiting pitch?