ESPN says ND 2015 = Ohio State 2014

Definitely this. Man has won big everyone he has been.

Dude has 26 losses over 14 season. Less than two per year!!?? Take out 2010 UF where he had health problems and missed a bunch of games and he has 21 over 13 seasons. That's 1.6/year or a .866 winning percentage. Unbelievable. For reference Saban as 59 losses over 20 seasons or 2.95/season has a win record of .756. Coach K is .767. Pat Summit was .848.

I just dug that up. Pretty incredible.
You really think a loss to what will be a top-10 GT team will derail them?
I can see the big debate now all over ESPN: "Should an 11-1 Notre Dame get a playoff spot over a 12-1 Tech team that beat them in September?" The obvious answer is "Why are we even discussing those two mid-major programs when there's a perfectly good 9-3 SEC team we can put in over both of them?"

That's 1.6/year or a .866 winning percentage. Unbelievable. For reference Saban as 59 losses over 20 seasons or 2.95/season has a win record of .756. Coach K is .767. Pat Summit was .848.
That is outrageous. I'd never seen the numbers on his career before, thanks for the stats. Absurd.
Dude has 26 losses over 14 season. Less than two per year!!?? Take out 2010 UF where he had health problems and missed a bunch of games and he has 21 over 13 seasons. That's 1.6/year or a .866 winning percentage. Unbelievable. For reference Saban as 59 losses over 20 seasons or 2.95/season has a win record of .756. Coach K is .767. Pat Summit was .848.

I just dug that up. Pretty incredible.

Yeah, but he has health problems. :rolleyes:
Thing is comparing ND right now to last years Ohio St is kind of insulting to Ohio St. They needed the backup for the Michigan rivalry game, the Big 10 title game and two playoff games and half of them were blow outs. ND needed the backup to come from behind against Virginia.
