ESPN Top 25 for 2006

Re: uhh, Dude we played good against

Preparation also includes having the proper personnel developed and ready to play.

Just as CG knew he was going to get a free year playing a true freshman qb, he probably thinks he can deflect a big blast of blame to a 4th year starter at QB.

If CG coached without concern for a paycheck I don't think he would have been what he has.
Re: uhh, Dude we played good against

When have you ever heard coach Gailey blame anybody except for himself for anything. One of Coach Gailey's best attributes is that he is loyal to his players and even if it were to be entirely a player's fault rather than his own, he would say all the right things, as he always does, and take the blame for the miscue.

There has never been a question on Gailey's character, only on his ability. He is a great, Christian man and to accuse him of playing Reggie simply to make up for his short-comings or to reflect blame upon, is both absurd and cowardly.
Re: uhh, Dude we played good against

absurd and cowardly.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have zero issue with my comment being absurd to you, none.
It's also your prerogative to call me or a comment I made "cowardly". I just have a prolem with your justification.

He is a great, Christian man...

[/ QUOTE ]

What does this mean to you? Is it that you think the words "great, Christian" refers to someone who is morally superior to all human beings including those of us who are just regular Christians?
In your book are regular Christians tormented by uttering cowardly words, and do they have to deal with that awful habit of sinning, while great, Christians have reached the level of sainthood?

Playing the religion card is not only condescending, it's a cop out.
In the event that I am wrong about the spiritual superiority of CG, why couldn't he have us delivered a college quarterback?

Until he starts walking on water, I will consider CG a good but normal guy who has placed a high value on job security.
Re: uhh, Dude we played good against

Actually if you'll notice on my comment "great, Christian man," there is a comma between the words great and Christian meaning that it is meant to be read similarly to him being a great man and a Christian man. So no I wasn't implying that he is a greater Christian than any other Christian I've ever met.

Saying that Chan should look to his heavenly father and pray for the deliverance of a great QB is just about stupid. Saying you will view Chan as a noraml guy who cares greatly about job security unless he starts performing the miracles of Jesus Christ is also pretty stupid, imho.

This proves to me that Chan has little to no chance at Georgia Tech whatsoever. If Tech fans will not give Chan a chance unless he starts curing the sick by touch, then how is he, "a normal guy," supposed to make it here? You may not like him, but Chan is a great, Xian man who knows one hell of a lot more about football than you could ever dream of knowing. And I honestly believe he does not make his decisions based on what will keep him from getting fired, but rather on what will win more football games.

"Judge not, lest ye be judged" --Matthew 7:1

Go Jackets!!
If Coach CCG is such a high moral being

why can't he admit he's insecure with having someone else as offensive coordinator...

why can't he admit he has trouble preparing the team to play EVERY game...

why can't he admit he does a poor job with public/alumni relations...

I know a lot of people who thump the Bible and hide behind the personna of wearing a nice suit to church on Sunday and singing in the choir. It doesn't make them any better people on Monday. I don't know Chan Gailey so I can't judge his Christian character, but I can have opinions about his effectiveness as head coach at Ga Tech.
Re: uhh, Dude we played good against

I made 3 mistakes cakeEater, and 2 of them are HUGE!
#1: not recognizing the comma
#2 Replying to you in the first place.
#3 Doing it again.

Unless you are stupid, you would realize that my request for Chan to deliver us a quarterback was TIC. It was in direct response to you bringing up his faith, like his particular faith has anything to do with his or anyone else's character.


This proves to me that Chan has little to no chance at Georgia Tech whatsoever. If Tech fans will not give Chan a chance unless he starts curing the sick by touch, then how is he, "a normal guy," supposed to make it here? You may not like him, but Chan is a great, Xian man who knows one hell of a lot more about football than you could ever dream of knowing.

Simply Unbelievable! No other comment except to say this is why so many view Christians as a whole as totalitarian fanatics. That's a shame, too. I don't want to be viewed that way.

You keep missing the points relevant to football and the man as a football coach. When someone feels the need to quote scripture on a football board, it's probably time to refocus.
Somehow, I don't think this "discussion" /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wtf.gif would be going on if heaven forbid, Chan was Jewish.

Now excuse me, I think I will go dance with my wife.
Re: uhh, Dude we played good against

Guess I'll jump in here.

First of all, I'm still hoping there's something Chan's trying to do that will become obvious and we'll have a break out year.

But I will tell you this. I couldn't care less if Tech's football coach is a born again Christian, Jewish, Muslim or has never been in a church in his life. His job is to win football games and recruit and graduate football players. If being a Christian helps him do that, fine. But it's really irrelevant in terms of whether he's a successful coach or not.
Re: uhh, Dude we played good against

His job is to win football games and recruit and graduate football players.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree whole-heartedly. Gailey's private faith as well as his public professions of Christianity are totally irrelevant to whether he is a right fit as a coach for GT (or even whether he is a moral person).

I would like Gailey to succeed at GT because it is much more of a problem for GT to have to change coaching regimes and start again. Thus, it is to GT's advantage that Gailey does well as football coach at GT.

However, the GT football coach will be judged based on playing by the NCAA and school rules, getting the players educated, and success on the field in terms of hard nosed-effort and intensity by the team, a rational strategy that utilizes the skills and talents of the players, and wins.

I would judge any GT coach under the same standard regardless of whether they are Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Pagan, atheist, deist, etc.

Being a Christian neither is a postitive qualification nor a negative detraction for a football coach at GT. Furthermore, such characteristics cannot be in the qualifications for a GT coach so long as the GTAA receives mandatory student athletic fees from a state school. Otherwise the state is using its power to subsidize one set of religious beliefs over another. That is exactly the type of activity that raises First Amendment issues under the U.S. Constitution.
Re: uhh, Dude we played good against

I'm tired of the religious talk.

I had no intention of starting all this crap by putting the word Christian into a post. The second post was me trying to defend myself when I was debated or whatever you would call it.

However, it is very important that GTs head football coach is a Christian because of the location of the School. We are smack dab in the middle of the Bible Belt and I guarantee that at least 75% of the parents in this area would not want, nor let their kids play for a non-gentile. That is my opinion and whether you like it or not it is not. I want this pointless debate to end.

Hopefully, Football only from here on
Excellent! We still have a good chance to beat ND. Us being ranked anywhere has guaranteed a loss the next week.

[/ QUOTE ]

So we are happy about not being ranked? Were you making a joke because this seems a little counter productive thinking. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/werd.gif
I'm sorry Mr. Rum, but this comment was TIC but relevant to recent history. Kind of a "the truth hurts" grin and bear it remark.

If I wasn't being a smart ass I would have written something like...I sure hope we get off to a great start and post a win over the Irish. As high profile and as good as ND is expected to be, we could find ourselves ranked fairly highly after week #1.
Hopefully, next year we will stay prepared to play our best most weeks. Every team will have a down week or two in such a long season, but I am looking forward to the day when even though we come out flat, we will remain a competitive team. That would be a tremendous improvement from the last few years. Go Jackets!

That's what I mean. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif
I know i'm kidda slow /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/pat.gif, but what does TIC stand for? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif
I just figured it out a few days ago. I hope it means tongue in cheek. That's how I'm using it.