Evander Holyfield

Hopefully he flips in late January. UGA didn't take a decent RB last year so missing two years in a row would put them in a tough spot once Chubb/Michel/Marshall are gone in 2 years. Still hard to believe they were able to collect that much talent on one roster. To think those three guys were sitting behind Gurley last season is absurd.

Also hilarious that 2/3 of those guys fumbled inside the 1 in COFH last season, and the other 1/3 is getting less pub/touches/stats than his true frosh little brother at their rival school. :lol:
apparently his son did the pull-out-the-live-bulldogs stunt at his commit ceremony

Still waiting for someone to release the yellow jackets
But there is more potential to make that with a degree from Notre Dame than UGA.

He has a big house south of Atlanta. He must have managed his money pretty well.

In this case, it was not needed.

Why wouldn't it be? He got fat stacks boxing.

He still has his car dealership to fall back on at least.

Well, he shouldn't have child support anymore so he should be OK

Dr. Cox would like a word with you.

He has a big house south of Atlanta. He must have managed his money pretty well.

He had a big house south of Atlanta but rick Ross is the current caretaker.

What's the over/under for that house changing hands to the next sucker?
The butthurt in that thread is gold.

If you don't think Notre Dame football players are set for life, you are blissfully unaware of the strength of their alumni network. 50k for UGA undergrads probably is near the median.