
This is the very reason Stinktalk has turned into a haven for tiny penised virgin masturbatory nerds. Wouldn't know a full breasted chick that wanted to öööö if their life depended on it. But code? These bitches can code. Like a motheröööö!! Congrats nerds! Coding is superior to ööööö.
This is the very reason Stinktalk has turned into a haven for tiny penised virgin masturbatory nerds. Wouldn't know a full breasted chick that wanted to öööö if their life depended on it. But code? These bitches can code. Like a motheröööö!! Congrats nerds! Coding is superior to ööööö.

Your shtick is getting old and unfunny.
This is the very reason Stinktalk has turned into a haven for tiny penised virgin masturbatory nerds. Wouldn't know a full breasted chick that wanted to öööö if their life depended on it. But code? These bitches can code. Like a motheröööö!! Congrats nerds! Coding is superior to ööööö.

Why are you here?
I prefer Sand Jockeys myself.

It's Bantha Jockeys, bro
The article is the worst thing that was ever linked to Stingtalk.
I don't know. In Attack the Clones, Anakin comes off pretty rape-y every time he's around Padme. So the FSU comparison is pretty accurate.
I don't know. In Attack the Clones, Anakin comes off pretty rape-y every time he's around Padme. So the FSU comparison is pretty accurate.

Just being around that girl was...intoxicating...for Jameis. He couldn't breathe...she had entered his very soul tormenting him.

But if Jimbo saw what he did to her, he'd be very grumpy.