Farewell to y'all

Well guys, I became a GT fan the day they hired Paul Johnson, and now that he's leaving, it's only fair I show myself out.

I have a ton of respect for Georgia Tech for doing things the right way and not compromising the academic integrity to chase trophies.

There is a segment of the fan base that hates Coach Johnson because he didn't win the way they wanted him to. Those are obviously the ones who excelled in school but have a low ceiling in their profession, because they are experts in theory, but reality kicks their ass every chance it gets.

To those of you who support the program and appreciate Coach Johnson, best wishes. THWG and the rest .
Yeah, hasta lavista. You will be sorely missed, I am sure.
Well guys, I became a GT fan the day they hired Paul Johnson, and now that he's leaving, it's only fair I show myself out.

I have a ton of respect for Georgia Tech for doing things the right way and not compromising the academic integrity to chase trophies.

There is a segment of the fan base that hates Coach Johnson because he didn't win the way they wanted him to. Those are obviously the ones who excelled in school but have a low ceiling in their profession, because they are experts in theory, but reality kicks their ass every chance it gets.

To those of you who support the program and appreciate Coach Johnson, best wishes. THWG and the rest .

Didn't you in the first post ITT express that you're not interested in the program?

If you're interested in the program, you know, it's not going anywhere. You could just... not leave.
Actually the program is going anywhere. Probably down the shitter with Stansbury's fingerprints all over it. This is a hire that will make or break Tech football. Johnson's hire was only a minor catastrophe, but get this next one wrong and we will be out of serious football for good.
@FatJacket doesn't post much but when he does he brings the wood.
Double Naught, there is a whole nether thread about me somewhere else. Something about why I was banned or what an assh*** I am or why I had that sign in the South end zone earlier this year.

Bring back Giff & Tenuta On D.
Kind of fighting back a tear or two. This is so much like the final scene of E. T. Veerbone has touched our hearts, and now he will disappear into the sky, from whence he came to help us understand life. He is gone, but we will never be the same.
As long as we keep him alive in our hearts, he's never truly gone . . .
Actually the program is going anywhere. Probably down the ööööter with Stansbury's fingerprints all over it. This is a hire that will make or break Tech football. Johnson's hire was only a minor catastrophe, but get this next one wrong and we will be out of serious football for good.
Are you ever pleasant to be around?
I supported Tech before it hired PJ. But I was also a big PJ fan before Tech hired him.
These are not mutually exclusive events, even if he's leaving. I am still a Tech fan and still a PJ fan. From the heights of 45-42, the 2009 ACC CG, the Orange Bowl win over Missy State to the kick and the pick to "he's in! he's in!" to getting thumped by LSU in the Chick fil A to freezing in Miami and losing to Iowa to the godawful performance in Shreveport to blowing a 20-point lead at home to the Mutts to the last two COFH (not to confused with COHF - a very different Web find) years, it's been a roller coaster ride. The highs have been high, the lows have been low but a lot of it has been a lot of damn fun.
Sniff, sniff. We'll always have Missy State...
Double Naught, there is a whole nether thread about me somewhere else. Something about why I was banned or what an assh*** I am or why I had that sign in the South end zone earlier this year.

Bring back Giff & Tenuta On D.

Aptly named then I guess.
Actually the program is going anywhere. Probably down the ööööter with Stansbury's fingerprints all over it. This is a hire that will make or break Tech football. Johnson's hire was only a minor catastrophe, but get this next one wrong and we will be out of serious football for good.
How can I dislike and bigcry the same post?

Also, does anyone know how to post videos to Facebook?