Favorite game that you DID NOT attend...


Damn Good Rat
Dec 2, 2001
Maybe a game that you had tickets for, but due to unforeseen circumstances you missed, and now you hate that you missed it...

I've got 3:
1998 Tech-Clemson - Had tickets. Mother in law died a few days before the game and we were dealing with funeral arrangements and such. Tech's first win in DV since 1989, but I missed it.

1988 Tech-USC - Was a student. Decided not to go because I was sure that undefeated, #7 ranked USC would kill us. Went to Helen for Octoberfest instead. When I heard that we beat them, I started kicking myself...and I'm still kicking myself 14 years later.

1998 Tech-UVA - My Clemson grad wife really wanted to go see FSU-Clemson, so we went down to Tally instead to see Clemson lose 48-0. I should have given her a car, a full tank of gas and 150 bucks and waved bye-bye as she head south and I headed north. Oh well. Live and learn.
Only one I know I could have gone to but voluntarily didn't was the 2000 Clemson game, with Watkins making the Catch. My friends went, wanted me to go, but I declined because I had a date with my girlfriend.

I watched the game at home and my roommates came to see what I was screaming about when we won.
I would say UVA in '90. I remember the furious second half comeback and just knowing the Shawn Jones and Co. would find a way to score points. When Sisson lined up for the kick, it seemed as if time had slowed down and I had such complete and udder joy as it went through the uprights.

Same season--the Citrus Bowl against Nebraska. I have never been so confident that we were going to win as I was that day. The multiple TD's early on made it easy to really enjoy the rest of the game.

Same two games for me, GT98.

I was dating a girl the fall of 1990, and we planned to go up to UVa together. Wouldn't you know it, we broke up about a week before the game and she had the tickets! I ended up watching on TV and remember Lesley Visser at halftime saying that UVa was going to extend the lead and blow us out. Oops!

I watched the Citrus Bowl from the room I rented in Detroit during my co-op quarter. I had to start work the day after the game, so I couldn't make it down and back in time.

Well, add me to the 1990 UVa list. I choose to go to UVa, and we lose 39-38 to a crappy team

And believe it or not, I missed the 1985 Uga game, because I had to work. We stayed open late that Saturday night, and I had no choice. One of the greatest games at BDS@HGF. Maybe not "great" game, but a "great" win.

Worst feeling after a game you've attended? Well, though the following three losses were "tough" and the most difficult:

1987 vs Auburn
1992 vs FSU
1997 vs Uga

.....the worst "feeling" was the 1989 Home Opener vs UVa. We lost after fumbling down around the UVa 5 yard line with a chance to tie with a TD late in the 4th quarter. It extended our ACC winless streak to something like 17, and I honestly did not think we'd ever win an ACC game again. We were just done. Things really turned around quickly though

Wow, bugboy, you missed some great games in Tech history. Hopefully you'll make all the ones that are yet to come!!
1990 UVA

and .. going back a ways...

1974 UGA game... Tech dominated in the mud... I listened to this game on a car radio... needless to say, I didnt leave the car... I sat in that thing for 3 hours enjoying every minute of it... (I would have driven around but wasnt old enough to drive !!)