Field Aesthetics

If I had to guess I think the GTAA is testing out color schemes to aid in selecting a color palate for Adidas to work with. Take a look at the complimentary flags given to GTAA donors (>$50) and I think you'll see what's likely to be our "new" shade of gold.
If I had to guess I think the GTAA is testing out color schemes to aid in selecting a color palate for Adidas to work with. Take a look at the complimentary flags given to GTAA donors (>$50) and I think you'll see what's likely to be our "new" shade of gold.
That is what I mean.....and navy is going to be a significant part of that. I don’t think adidas is going to limit its use of blue to piping.
Boom. I want to know more.
We actually play on a hybrid. It's a cross between Kentucky bluegrass, featherbed bent, and northern California sinsemilla.


At least the water from the BDS water fountains is gold. This came from the water fountains near section 110. I did not drink this. The GTAA needs to fix this.

Yeah, you pissed in a bottle and took a picture.
Yeah, you pissed in a bottle and took a picture.
I really didn't. I was mad that I had to pay $4 just for water. The water fountain was right next to the men's restrooms so there could be some plumbing issues. idk
Did it taste like piss or not? I think we have a bet loser on the board who should have a comparable reference point and can validate the contents...
I noticed the blue shadowing in the Vandy game last year.


Also, there was a game (last year I think?) where the letters in the endzone weren't even painted. Just white outline.
honeycomb the endzone and print "together we swarm" in one and "#THWG" in the other. hell, now that i'm thinking about it, opposite the ACC logos on each side, paint "To Hell With Georgia" for the COFH game. or put it on the sidelines in the red zone or the back line of the endzone. just paint it somewhere. oh man, go all in and paint it mid-field. if broadcast media doesn't like, make them blur it out somehow.
honeycomb the endzone and print "together we swarm" in one and "#THWG" in the other. hell, now that i'm thinking about it, opposite the ACC logos on each side, paint "To Hell With Georgia" for the COFH game. or put it on the sidelines in the red zone or the back line of the endzone. just paint it somewhere. oh man, go all in and paint it mid-field. if broadcast media doesn't like, make them blur it out somehow.
Might as well since we continue to wear the stupid chicken wire helmets. Until they get rid of that, I’ll continue to not be rustled by the use of navy in the uniforms.
Here's what we do: Paint the whole field Navy Blue. Midfield logos in bright cheddar yellow. Endzones will be "Georgia Tech" on one end and "University" on the other in wrong shade of gold letters.
Team and coaches on turf until Wake game. At Wake GT side lines with a black field cover.