Field is ready!


Oct 8, 2014
Am I early? Where y'all at?
What are you doin' to get ready for game day?

Sitting at the house drinking a beer waiting for Dish to change out my obsolete receivers. Beer is good. Drinking a Southern Magnolia pecan. They arent too bad.
Trying to get over my fall allergies.
Re-encoding 2014 COFH Radio Edit to get those pesky first three drives of the third quarter to show up.
Remaining Calm and Optioning On
Hoping the rain stays away tomorrow
Step it up a notch and at least drink a Sculpin...maybe a Habanero one.

Not a big IPA guy. I like smooth beer. IPA's taste like earwax. Probably gonna bring me some of these Pecans tomorrow.
Getting ready to go to the US Open! This is going to be one hell of a sports weekend for me...US Open tonight, GT game tomorrow, and the first full NFL Sunday after that.
Sitting at the house drinking a beer waiting for Dish to change out my obsolete receivers. Beer is good. Drinking a Southern Magnolia pecan. They arent too bad.

Not a big IPA guy. I like smooth beer. IPA's taste like earwax. Probably gonna bring me some of these Pecans tomorrow.

To the tailgate? Sounds good!
To the tailgate? Sounds good!

If I make it over. Otherwise, I will be the guy in the Area 2 parking lot next to the Student Center drinking a Southern Magnolia Pecan. Stop and ask and you shall get one. Probably be in my white Honda or perhaps my dads Chevy SUV thing. It ain't a big lot. Unless my daughter wants to go to the bookstore or exploring, I should be there.

I know. I'm a slacker when it comes to the ST tailgate. Especially since I am right there at it.
Getting ready to go to the US Open! This is going to be one hell of a sports weekend for me...US Open tonight, GT game tomorrow, and the first full NFL Sunday after that.

Tennis is worse than soccer
If I make it over. Otherwise, I will be the guy in the Area 2 parking lot next to the Student Center drinking a Southern Magnolia Pecan. Stop and ask and you shall get one. Probably be in my white Honda or perhaps my dads Chevy SUV thing. It ain't a big lot. Unless my daughter wants to go to the bookstore or exploring, I should be there.

I know. I'm a slacker when it comes to the ST tailgate. Especially since I am right there at it.

Between the deck and the SC?
This is the kind of stuff that will bring BuzzCzar back.

I had forgotten soccer existed with him gone. Although, I did go to the Chattanooga / NY soccer championships in Chattanooga last month. Minor league soccer, I suppose, in Findley Stadium. We went just to mostly tailgate.
Just sent my class of little first graders home for the weekend! Now it's party time!
Just sent my class of little first graders home for the weekend! Now it's party time!

Wait... you post on ST during the day while there are first graders around? Not to be judgey, but I don't think kids should be exposed to stingtalk... :wink: