Financial Questions of The Silicon -

Father WASP

Flats Noob
Oct 22, 2002
First, what is the payout? Second, how are ticket sales going at Tech - what will our expected travel contingent be? Third, any chance we will lose money on the game?
$750,000. Poor, less than 1,000. Yes, there's a chance we lose money, but it won't be much. We need for Fresno St to take about 4,000 tix off our hands. We'll probably be able to keep costs much less this yr than we did last yr. Here's all your answers in the AJC article:

Tech hopes Silicon Valley won't break bank
Saw some analysis of this somewhere else. We have $1.1M through the conference I believe and think the expenses will be lower than last year since we don't have to be there so soon (shortens the stay). Also said something about the airfare being more expensive last year than expected.