Florida uniforms, WTF

You like them because Nike is real good at using lighting and photoshop tools for their pics. The reality is those are some ööööty looking uniforms. Can't wait to see one of those 330 pounders stuffed into what looks like a crummy Halloween costume
The grey trend in alternate unis is not a welcome one.
This. Southern's new grey unis are pretty slick, but I don't get why they'd use an awesome new design and then almost completely omit the school colors. I dunno, on the Florida unis, the minimal blue and orange just seems really out of place on the rest of the design and over that grey. I like the concept, but the execution is lacking.

This. Southern's new grey unis are pretty slick, but I don't get why they'd use an awesome new design and then almost completely omit the school colors. I dunno, on the Florida unis, the minimal blue and orange just seems really out of place on the rest of the design and over that grey. I like the concept, but the execution is lacking.

The lack of blue of orange just says "we know we'll be in the opposing teams highlight video; but with this disguise the average fan won't know it is us getting torched".
Something something, gay ass uniform thread, something something, who cares, just win, something something else.
If that's supposed to look like a gator, it's the smeared corpse of one on sun-bleached Floridian asphalt.
Will lol the first time an announcer says something about a receiver having alligator arms.
When I see these "mosern" uniforms I feel like I'm watching the football game in Starship Troopers...