Football Tweets

The tweet

King (to me) plays the game a lot like Favre.
CSB My wife, no pics, is a uga grad and was on project with him. She told me she confided in another team member, and I quote, “Who the öööö is this dumbass?”
You can’t just say “no pics.” That’s not how this works.

Post an AI generated pic of a chick with big boobs or something. It doesn’t have to actually be a pic of your wife.

I swear. Do I have to be the only guy making sure the rules are followed around here?!?!
You can’t just say “no pics.” That’s not how this works.

Post an AI generated pic of a chick with big boobs or something. It doesn’t have to actually be a pic of your wife.

I swear. Do I have to be the only guy making sure the rules are followed around here?!?!
What he said.