Football Tweets

Only sad part of Pollack's NFL career being cut short was that we didn't get to watch him break his neck a thousand more times.

Have I ever posted 100 times how I loathe the ööööer with a bitter passion?
Mcaffe said FSU in a blowout

And I loathe that ignorant wifebeater-wearing backwards-aced d-bag, too. He is ruining GameDay for me single handedly and actually making Herb Kirkstreit look acceptable. His retarded fanbase gives sports of all kind a bad name. OTOH, I was pleasantly surprised by Nick Satan. I thought his takes were mostly (other than picking F$U to do anything) intelligent and honest.

And speaking of GameDay, I was really hoping they could fly some kind of medical transport to Dublin with Corso on board so he could put on the Buzz Head before the game.
And I loathe that ignorant wifebeater-wearing backwards-aced d-bag, too. He is ruining GameDay for me single handedly and actually making Herb Kirkstreit look acceptable. His retarded fanbase gives sports of all kind a bad name. OTOH, I was pleasantly surprised by Nick Satan. I thought his takes were mostly (other than picking F$U to do anything) intelligent and honest.

And speaking of GameDay, I was really hoping they could fly some kind of medical transport to Dublin with Corso on board so he could put on the Buzz Head before the game.
You really think Corso would pick against his favored alma mater?
You really think Corso would pick against his favored alma mater?
A boy can dream, can't he? LOL. I mean, if they could have flown that 89 year old near-corpse to Dublin, maybe he would have picked Tech to complete the miracle. Yeah, probably not
And I loathe that ignorant wifebeater-wearing backwards-aced d-bag, too. He is ruining GameDay for me single handedly and actually making Herb Kirkstreit look acceptable. His retarded fanbase gives sports of all kind a bad name.

I thought the same thing, never watched his show but seems like a barking bro moron who appeals to the lowest common denominator of college football fans
Clearly the ref was right there and clearly saw his knee down.
I think what this guy is trying to says is, "If FSU had just gotten some more calls to go our way, we could have had a chance to force Georgia Tech into overtime." Of course, those were the same referees who called a phantom pass interference penalty against Tech. I guess stuff like close calls and jet lag just apply to FSU. They should be happy. Last year they won all their regular season games and missed the playoffs. That was tough. At least that won't happen to them again this year.