From Buzzoff - GoldenTornado

GTWannaBee said:
Nice use of font color by the way :laugher:
Reminds me of the "ghost" Daily Hive Recap. I may be the only message board dork that remembers that.

It was pretty funny.

By the way, on BOR's predicted loss. Why is everyone so worked up about it? He was there last year (I met him that day) and had to sit through 51-7 II - it was tough to watch on TV but those of us there were captive to it.

Unlike some other (BO) fans, BOR couldn't be happier that we won - if he was one of those fans that wanted us to lose it would be different.
I don't see anything wrong with predicting a loss. To say that there is is to say that everyone here should always predict a win.

However, unlike the posters here who predict a loss, the posters ..ahem.. elsewhere actually want us to lose.

Again, I'm beggin' you guys not to quote that site over here. Those of us that know about that place already know what they are saying. Those that don't probably are better off not. Just my opinion tho - I respect everyone's right to post as they see fit subject to the rules of the board. I'm just a little concerned that those who do not wish us well will someday figure out how to cost us a recruit using that place.
mm42 said:
Here are some direct quotes. They don't seem any different to me:

"Finally, we won't beat VT. We're going to get our ass kicked ..."

"We don't have a snowball's chance in you-know-where ..."

"... our offensive line gets manhandled."

"I'm as pessimistic as BOR on this game."

"I agree with BOR."

"Which coaching staff do you think is more likely to make a mind numbing game changing brain fart?"

"Offensive line is exposed. Hokies roll."

"VPI has too much talent for us to win."

"We won't get it done, because the weaknesses I pointed out will be horribly exposed at 3:30pm on Saturday."

Apparently its no longer acceptable to have doubts in spite of previous ass drubbings and upsets against Mountain West teams. Stop trying to make a comparison to me and those turds. I have shown the ability to be positive on some aspects of our program. I guess we should all mindlessly follow the mantra of the Hive: Turn that frown upside down!!!

Sorry, but I don't hope for this team to lose just to prove me right. I said we would beat ND. I said we would lose against VT. I'm glad I was wrong. I wish I was right on ND. Oh well.
BarrelORum said:
Stop trying to make a comparison to me and those turds.

I compared words posted here (by you and many others) to the quoted words from Buzzoff. To me, there is no difference. I do not see "wishing for a loss" in the quoted words from Buzzoff, nor do I see it in the words from StingTalk posters.

Perhaps those who read Buzzoff know this particular poster or some other context that tells them "wishing for a loss" is behind the words, but it is not evident in the words themselves.

It is easy to paint with a broad brush and portray everything posted on Buzzoff as drivel and everyone who posts there as a poisonous swine, but just remember there are many on the Hive with the same sort of "broad brush" view of this board.
I was one of the detractors in the orginal thread and I had no fundamental problem with BOR's predictions. Not that I didn't disagree with them, but he didn't have some crazy agenda that superceded what was better for the team. He just took a more pessimisstic route considering the crowd, VPI's defense and the OL problems we had at least before Saturday.

On the other hand, over there on UzzBoff, the average post goes something like this.

"Chan stabs his players in the back. That's why they don't respect him enough to give it their all every game and that's why Chan will go 7-5 again! Seems like yet another nut bowl for Chan and his idiot FOCers!"

If you beleived everything over there, than you would have to beleive Chan is the anti-Christ or something. There's a couple who are good Tech fans but just take the more pessimisstic view more often than not, but way too many put their views and their ego above what's better for the team.
I quit going there when some of them started cheering for Samford to win so Gailey would be closer to the door. Despicable. I am done with those losers.
And I have no problem with BOR's predictions as I know he is a true Tech fan that hurts when we lose, regardless of his prediction.
Which brings up another question. Where the hell is Stateline? Has he quit posting here? I miss him.