From what I hear on GT AD job...

You have to think he will be on the top of the

lists any time the media wants to get the perspective of an AD. This should generally be good.
Its easier to keep a rock moving when its already rolling, obviously.

I am a staunch supporter of Curry because I believe he understands his administrative limitations, but more importantly he sees the task at hand now as a big picture job of energizing the existing base of support, and to achieve the toughest thing which is to create demand for this program. We desperately need a wave of new and local Tech fans. We need numbers.
The surest way to insure a lifelong Tech fan is to put him thru school here, and then let him raise a family of Tech fans. The yield of that method though will be woefully short.

I happen to believe that GT is about to unveil the sales, marketing and pr efforts that many of us (including you) have been asking for. I think you will see a new regime of professionals at Tech to accept this vital mission. I believe that Bill Curry is the right guy to head this up.

Not that I recommend going to a mall, but the next time you are there look around and see all of the uga hats and sweatshirts being worn by 7 year olds. We joke that they don't know any better, but the majority of these kids that grow up loving sports are destined to become uga fans. The future kids of these kids will probably be wearing uga hats in the future, and so on and so on.

Georgia Tech needs a sales force now to start claiming its share of "undecided" fans in the state and the southeast. It would be a waste of time and money to attempt to convert dyed in the wool fans of other schools.

With all of the transplants to the city, how about a simple thing like mailing out invitations to the new residents and inviting them down to Tech for a monthly open house to meet the coaches and learn of the history and traditions of Tech.
Make sure to invite their kids as well. Give them all Tech hats, etc. This may be a stupid idea, but it just popped into my head. Point is, we need to build our fanbase from the ground up.

Ooops. I just hijacked my own post! Anyway, we need someone like Bill Curry to talk up and sell Tech wherever he goes.
If I had a vote, he would get mine.
Nicely said PW,

I think Coach Curry knows his limitations and would think very hard to bring in a top notch associate AD (Todd Stansbury) hint hint.

But you're right we need a house cleaning and I think both these guys would be the right fit.

Some need to get over this whole Alabama thing and consider what he can do to get us where we want to be and that is competing with Georgia first and foremost and winning ACCC's.
GTL, you forgot to include his schlocking of North American Thrift Notes.
Not stupid at all PW, I think you make good sense. I personally don't know what AD ability Curry has or doesn't have but I think he could do some fast learning if need be. Besides, as long as he has been involved with this sport, I would think he couldn't help but know a lot already.

Bill Curry is the former Chief Operating Officer of the National Consortium for Academic and Sports (NCAS) and continues to serve on their executive committee. Created by Richard Lapchick's Center for the Study of Sports in Society at Northeastern University, the NCAS's member schools (currently more than 160) agree to bring back former athletes of revenue-producing sports to complete their degrees at no cost. In turn, the former athletes participate in outreach and community services programs. To date, more than 13,000 athletes have returned to finish their degrees. The NCAS is based at Disney's Wide World of Sports complex in Lake Buena Vista, Fla.

[/ QUOTE ]
Just on the surface, that sounds VERY good to me. I wish I knew some more about the organization, but this puts a lot more faith in Curry as a manager than I had before reading that (not that thats worth anything). Also very happy about the idea of Stansberry being a behind the scenes, successor, for a couple years. Continuity like that can only help... assuming we're moving in the right direction.
Now we are making sense! The best thing we can do is speak out and stand tall for Georgia Tech's history and tradition by showing the current AD and the merry band of brown nosing "yes men" that followed him here, to exit the Homer Rice building immediately. Let's start the new year with some fresh air inside the GTAA, minus the presently overwhelming stinch of BS. Bringing Curry along with an administrative Heir to the Throne is the combination that makes absolute sense.
Well, you obviously dont run in the same circles as I do so if you havent heard it by now then you must live outside the perimeter.

[/ QUOTE ]

I know that wasn't addressed to me, but I hadn't heard anything, either...though that isn't much of a surprise, as I live about 700 miles outside the perimeter.
Re: I never liked Bill Curry..

when I was in school with him. He was a class A brown noser who worked all the profs, plus coach Dodd, and was too goody-goody for me. But he is a true Tech man and has contributed much more than I have to our program, by far, and has the qualities to influence the hill in a positive manner toward football. So, I don't disagree with him as AD for a couple of years, with a good prospective replacement under him to handle the admin duties and one who is a Tech man also. Hopefully we have learned our lesson about our need to have a Tech man as AD, no one else can uderstand our unique position. Homer was an exception.
Tech man

We need a Tech man as President of the school too. Then we wouldn't be on probation for academic related violations. A Tech man would have understood our unique position.

Oh, wait a minute, we HAVE a Tech man as President....

Having said that, Curry is what we need at this point in time. He has become nationally known through ESPN. He has a positive public image and positive image with the media, which is exactly what GT needs at this point in time to repair its reputation.

People who are opposed to him because he went to Alabama are being petty. It's like throwing away a diamond because it belonged to your ex-wife.
Re: Tech man

People who are opposed to him because he went to Alabama are being petty. It's like throwing away a diamond because it belonged to your ex-wife.

[/ QUOTE ]

Agree with everything about Tech. However, how were you able to keep the diamond? Maybe that was only an analogy, but it struck a real nerve with me.
That diamond is/was the only non fake thing about her! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif