Its easier to keep a rock moving when its already rolling, obviously.
I am a staunch supporter of Curry because I believe he understands his administrative limitations, but more importantly he sees the task at hand now as a big picture job of energizing the existing base of support, and to achieve the toughest thing which is to create demand for this program. We desperately need a wave of new and local Tech fans. We need numbers.
The surest way to insure a lifelong Tech fan is to put him thru school here, and then let him raise a family of Tech fans. The yield of that method though will be woefully short.
I happen to believe that GT is about to unveil the sales, marketing and pr efforts that many of us (including you) have been asking for. I think you will see a new regime of professionals at Tech to accept this vital mission. I believe that Bill Curry is the right guy to head this up.
Not that I recommend going to a mall, but the next time you are there look around and see all of the uga hats and sweatshirts being worn by 7 year olds. We joke that they don't know any better, but the majority of these kids that grow up loving sports are destined to become uga fans. The future kids of these kids will probably be wearing uga hats in the future, and so on and so on.
Georgia Tech needs a sales force now to start claiming its share of "undecided" fans in the state and the southeast. It would be a waste of time and money to attempt to convert dyed in the wool fans of other schools.
With all of the transplants to the city, how about a simple thing like mailing out invitations to the new residents and inviting them down to Tech for a monthly open house to meet the coaches and learn of the history and traditions of Tech.
Make sure to invite their kids as well. Give them all Tech hats, etc. This may be a stupid idea, but it just popped into my head. Point is, we need to build our fanbase from the ground up.
Ooops. I just hijacked my own post! Anyway, we need someone like Bill Curry to talk up and sell Tech wherever he goes.
If I had a vote, he would get mine.