Fun times at FSU

Seriously doubt the coach lied. More likely that someone sent the post from the coach's account thinking that he actually did talk to each player.

But that raises several other questions so pick your poison.
Definitely a possibility.

Norvell brags about having 1-on-1 communications with all of his players. He gets called out for by his player(s) for being a liar. When virtue-signaling goes wrong



He will now talk to them all about lying about talking to them all.
Fun times at Clemson too. Apparently Dabo was pictured today wearing a “Football Matters” shirt and is catching hell for it. And other schools’ fans are going for the kill on social media.
Solid 7 next to a solid 6. Hardly worth a 6 hour trip to Tallahassee


Dude on left (whispering): Didja see what JJacket posted?
Girl next to him laughs: Are all GT fans that gay? That is really gay. Ru Paul called and wants his gay back.
Girl next to her: He's got a point. Compared to most girls on the FSU campus, we ARE a 7 or 6.
Dude with green hat: JJacket's a moron. Forget him. I'm going back to thinking about my next screenplay - Two Cowgirls and A Dude With A Green Hat.