Gailey Must Go

I'm getting concerned as I agree wholeheartedly with every post I read of yours tyhe last few weeks. Now, we (you and I) need to come to an agreement on whether Hall is a great coach, a good coach, or holding GT back. If we could agree on the baseball program i would never need to post again and could just let you post for both you and me;)

BTW, I think Hall is a very good coach but think we would do better with someone else. Unfortunately, he's good enough that the only way he leaves is by his own doing. now this pitching coach hire might cause some issues for long-time Hall supporters. It's a risky hire I think most would agree.

Now you've got me worried. FWIW, I think Hall does an okay job but I would like to see us capitalize on the players we get in baseball more than we do. I don't know what it is, but we seem to be missing something most years.