gailey's post game interview....

Re: gailey\'s post game interview....


I am not even close to scrutinizing everything Gailey says. I am far from bent out of shape about things. You are reading WAY too much about my opinion I express on an internet message board concerning a public comment made by Gailey.

I have put his comment in the context of the goose egg that was laid on the field, in the context of several blow outs,in the context of his salary, and the context of complete inconsitencies in the teams he puts on the field. I am not bashing him, I am making a pretty fair critique of him. I didn't like what he had to say, doesn't mean I am giving up on him.

Just remember, as time goes on we are adding more and more data points to the evidence that supports his success or failure. As time goes on we can put the past in proper perspective, good or bad.

That particular comment pointed out to me a possible problem with his success here. You may not have read it that way, but I did. We just see it differently, nothing wrong with that.
Re: gailey\'s post game interview....

Some write because they have something to say; others because they feel compelled to say something.
I do not know who originally said this but:

beeware: you are pathetic. Not the way you think, but the fact that the way you think is seemingly irreversable. You are a pitiful sight, truly. You have been ostracised from the Hive, and don't have self control enough to control your language on Stingtalk; to the extent that you, therefore, have been suspended a number of times. Doesn't this in any way let you know that you are for the most part "anti-social" ? You are a wart on the nose of Stingtalk. The sooner you are permanently removed, the better this board will be. You just remain out of control.. You and all your buddies.....the only problem I have is the venomous hatred that you and your ilk cause to rise up in me....I must continually strive to keep it a level below the dastardly and putrid hatred that you and your buddy-haters show at every chance. Sick is the word.
Re: gailey\'s post game interview....

Originally aired by Gailey:

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I told them there is going to be a ton of things in the paper tomorrow about woe is Tech. I said 'good read that, because we played better when we read that stuff about how bad we were going to be than we did when people were writing about us doing good things.'
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif"></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I certainly wouldn't want him to say somethig as pathetic as this. You may not interpret that the same way as me, and I don't have a problem with that. However...

A million dollars a year and that is all he can come up with for motivating his team?

I applaud Gailey for "taking responsibility". How many more blowouts and embarrassing performances is he going to have to "take responsibility" for? Don't interpret this as a complete bash Gailey and I want him gone kind of post. I don' want Gailey fired at all. I want to see results.

I gave credit to Gailey for getting this team to show improvement the previous two weeks. I knew we might have a letdown against Clemson, but I didn't think Gailey would actually forget to show up for the game. The inconsistency is what I have a HUGE problem with. For every positive the past 2 years, we have a negative that is twice as bad.

My opinion of Gailey right now is back to where it was at the beginning of the year. He has provecd nothing, but I am more than willing to wait and see what happens.
Re: gailey\'s post game interview....

Why can't he address the players performance? This isn't high school these are grown men not children and many of them are recieving compensation (scholarships) to play football. We need to cut some of these guys and find players with the heart and desire to play football.
Re: gailey\'s post game interview....

Im getting tired of CCG admitting his faults...million dollar salaries don't need so much!!
Re: gailey\'s post game interview....


Save your self the typing and just copy and paste one of your posts each time you want to respond.
Re: gailey\'s post game interview....

Bear Bryant made a habit of taking TOTAL responsibility for every loss."I just didn't get his boyz ready".
I would expect the same from my coach.What do you expect him to say.I had a great plan but those stupid coaches and bungling players didn't do what I planned.duh!
Comparing Chantastic to the Bear is ludicrous.

I can't think of many things I hate more than someone who resurrects ancient threads to clutter the board. If you happen to have an original idea why not go with that? If not, just lurk.
Little did these guys realize that in month an exponentially more embarrassing asskicking would be administered by the fearsome Dookies from Durham and another postgame interview would be given containing that altogether too common theme of not having the team prepared to play.