Game watching

Call this place. It's an Irish American bar in Bahrain.

It's in Al Safir Hotel right next to Al Fateh mosque.

That is about 3 blocks from my flat. I would consider it... but we are required to be back in our apartments by midnight. The game kicks off at 2230 here, so it is an option to at least try to catch the first half.

Back when I was in Afghanistan, I used to skype the wife who would point the webcam at the screen when there weren't other viewing options. I had serviceable results with that approach.

Thanks. This is another good option.

Alright corndog. I talked to Blazer. He's saying that AFN which should be available at the base should have the game on. He sent me this schedule. Right now the 3.30 slot is open for Saturday.

I'd keep checking here.

I'm hoping it will be on, but then again, I will run into the midnight liberty expiration.

If all else fails PM me and you can use my Slingbox.

This is very generous and I appreciate it greatly. Someone else already made that offer via PM but I appreciate the offer.

If you have a VPN disguiser to show that you appear to come from the USA, log into the Comcast account and try this:

Not sure if they will be showing it but they tend to show most of the "NBC Sports" programming here, even if it is showing on NBC. I used it on Thursday to watch the NFL game because the TV was acting up. The key would be to make sure the server thinks you are coming from the US.

This was my plan A. I tested it out, but apparently the NBC Live isn't available in all markets. I VPNd to Atlanta and Phoenix and it says it isn't available. I VPN to NY and Chicago and it connects, but I get a 'the zip code on your account doesn't allow this service (or something to that effect).' So... it looks like it ties into my Comcast billing address instead of IP address.

Thanks for the help. I'll try the Slingbox thing as Plan A. Skype/Facetime Plan B.
What about the US TV Now link? I know that works because I've tried it.

Hmmm... I didn't see that. I normally ignore the ramblings of old men, but you might have found something here :wink:

I'll give it in the morning when I get home from work.
Hmmm... I didn't see that. I normally ignore the ramblings of old men, but you might have found something here :wink:

I'll give it in the morning when I get home from work.

I think you're going to find you should have gone with your gut instinct and ignored his ramblings.
Only issue with slingbox is that it isn't HD. Sorry, I don't 80k yet so I don't have the fancy one.
Coit, that USTVNow thing is working great. I think that is the solution. Thanks old man.
offer still open. Check PM's for preview bigsex happyman audio.
Wait, NBC doesn't offer online streaming? That's disappointing. I am going to the KSU game Saturday and was going to watch the game on my phone.