Georgia Tech on 11pm news tonight

The replies to that status are encouraging.
Would not be surprised if these are some of the same profs thinking it was a good idea to let foreign students in that were arrested for being terrorists; or some of the same ones disparaging our students in ROTC; or the ones making comments to students saying"your parents had 18 years to indoctrinate you - we only have 4 to undue all the harm they did to you."

öööö those scumbags.
Can we drop this now? It's over, we won. The only logical action at this point is to stop talking about their stupid petition and start another petition to fire the lady who started it.
Can we drop this now? It's over, we won. The only logical action at this point is to stop talking about their stupid petition and start another petition to fire the lady who started it.

I'm up with that. What a stupid waste of effort.
Can we drop this now? It's over, we won. The only logical action at this point is to stop talking about their stupid petition and start another petition to fire the lady who started it.


when i was in school an administrator suggested a change back i like 1998 i think, and she received death threats.

the fact 30 percent supported it today says we are going the wrong way. Ugh

when i was in school an administrator suggested a change back i like 1998 i think, and she received death threats.

the fact 30 percent supported it today says we are going the wrong way. Ugh

10 years before that, they wanted to get rid of the steam whistle. Said it disturbed our neighbors across the street that slept until noon.
Can we drop this now? It's over, we won. The only logical action at this point is to stop talking about their stupid petition and start another petition to fire the lady who started it.

Now that we have dropped football, isn't this a moot point?
are you kidding? LOL are you referring to the ghetto on techwood back then?


Not kidding. It was a student lead effort to petition to keep the whistle. It was a proud moment in 1988 when tradition triumphed over ignorance.

Also, it was a time when the football team had done poorly, only winning two games the previous season, and there was serious questioning about whether or not Tech could compete in football anymore. Then, in 1990, it all came together for us.
Even if GT came out and said "OK everyone, sing these lyrics now", it wouldn't matter. A petition isn't going to change a 100 year old fight song. Especially since there is nothing wrong with it.
Can we drop this now? It's over, we won. The only logical action at this point is to stop talking about their stupid petition and start another petition to fire the lady who started it.

It would be better to not drop it, but rather fire/expel everyone who agreed with changing it. Clearly, a purge is needed.
"Join" the ratio doesn't even make sense

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With my kids and there was those drunken Techwood people, white people, spitting and telling how they wanted to öööö my kids and get me in a fight. Just lovely, right? I guess y'all are parking in the wrong lot.
With my kids and there was those drunken Techwood people, white people, spitting and telling how they wanted to öööö my kids and get me in a fight. Just lovely, right? I guess y'all are parking in the wrong lot.

Oh my god.