Georgia Tech on 11pm news tonight

With my kids and there was those drunken Techwood people, white people, spitting and telling how they wanted to öööö my kids and get me in a fight. Just lovely, right? I guess y'all are parking in the wrong lot.

The headline does not accurately portray the actual news in this story. It is yesterday’s news that professors are petitioning for change. The actual news here is that Alumni and Undergraduate students object to the change and view it as unnecessary. Maybe if these professors were busier doing research (ala their actual job) they would have more success climbing the academia ladder.
I do wish old people wouldn't do the "drink, get naked". It is gross. I am old. I don't do it. I do "fight, win". Drink, get naked cheer is stupid and gross if you are old.
If someone next to you at a game sings join, punch them in the mouth.
If someone next to you at a game sings join, punch them in the mouth.

If anyone near me in my section actually sang or got overly excited in any way I would be shocked.

If anyone near me in my section actually sang or got overly excited in any way I would be shocked.


Then punch them in the mouth. That usually gets a reaction.
Anyone that was for that petition most likely doesn't even go to the games.

Probably not, I think they usually have lesbian social club on Saturday afternoons. coit really should man up and punch everyone in his section in the mouth until they stand up and cheer. After you hit the first one for the second time, they will all get the message that you mean stand up now.
Anyone that was for that petition most likely doesn't even go to the games.

Probably not, I think they usually have lesbian social club on Saturday afternoons. coit really should man up and punch everyone in his section in the mouth until they stand up and cheer. After you hit the first one for the second time, they will all get the message that you mean stand up now.

That's exactly what I was telling my son when he was asking me about it. The people who want the wording changed have probably never even seen a second of GT football. Or any football for that matter.
The headline does not accurately portray the actual news in this story. It is yesterday’s news that professors are petitioning for change. The actual news here is that Alumni and Undergraduate students object to the change and view it as unnecessary.

Yeah, that's my first reaction to this story. This story is like 2 or 3 weeks old at this point. There was the initial petition, then there was the opposing petition, then there was the SGA survey that recently ended. A strong majority of people opposed the change, except for the two groups who have the least skin in the game with regard to traditions (faculty and grad students).

Is WSB really that far behind following the story, or did they at least follow it through to where it's at currently?

Probably not, I think they usually have lesbian social club on Saturday afternoons. coit really should man up and punch everyone in his section in the mouth until they stand up and cheer. After you hit the first one for the second time, they will all get the message that you mean stand up now.

Why? Coit doesn't stand up either. :wink:
Yeah, that's my first reaction to this story. This story is like 2 or 3 weeks old at this point. There was the initial petition, then there was the opposing petition, then there was the SGA survey that recently ended. A strong majority of people opposed the change, except for the two groups who have the least skin in the game with regard to traditions (faculty and grad students).

Is WSB really that far behind following the story, or did they at least follow it through to where it's at currently?


They are that far behind....

I think they thought the results of the petition was new news.