
All right you YellowJackets, listen up.
It’s time to get down to business.
It is time to get focused on the task at hand.
VPI is coming and they are loaded for bear.

Under coach Frank Beamer VT is 34-21-1 in night games. They are 3-0 when playing on the road on Thursday nights. They are 116-27-2 when outrushing their opponents, 13-49 when being outrushed and 1-0 when the rushing total is even. They have been to a bowl game 11 straight years.

Are we going to let them walk into Bobby Dodd stadium at Grant Field and beat us.
Not NO, but HELL NO!!!

Let that GOLDEN FIRE start to burn.
Now you have to pull together.
You have to act as one.
Your brother is depending on you and you are depending on him.
You are links in a chain.
And it is a chain made of the purest steel.

So you are strong. Hit’em hard and fight’em to the ground. Block’em to the dirt.
You are smart.
You are disciplined. Keep cool, play your game, intensely and poised.
Fly around that field like a nest of MADDER’en HELL YELLOWJACKETS.

Now you have to be tough, and you have to be focused.
You have to stop the run.
You have to visualize hitting them, shedding the block, making the hit, wrapping up and taking them down. No missed tackles. 0 missed tackles.

Offense, you have to block. You have to have knockdowns.
There is no room for turnovers. 0 turnovers.
You must control the ball.
You must move the ball.

Now, you know your opponent and you know what it is that you have to do.
Get that mental mind set.
You are the YellowJackets, the ‘RamblinWreck.
Get ready to WRECK somebody.

You are going to hit,
You are going to warp up,
And you are going to take them down.

Then you are going to get up and do it again.

Dominate the line of scrimmage,
Block like HELL, until the ref tells you to stop.
Catch that pigskin, and run to glory,
Cover those receivers like green on grass,
Bury them in Grant Field if they so dare to catch a pass,
Anybody coming across the middle is going to have a bad day.

You will put somebody on the ground on every play,
And then you will be the first one up,
And then you will do it again.

We will always be moving forward,
We will hold them by the nose, and kick’em in the hokie.
We will pick our brother up and we will look out for each other,
We will have an attitude of DEFIANCE, and we will hit that field with Hell’s Fury, and you will DOMINATE the day!!

STING’em boys.