GoldTimer and the Hive


Dec 15, 2001
Folks over on the hive are really putting it to GTimer. I guess people should like rape if it's enevitable(sp) sit back, relax and enjoy.
It's one of those things thats been building up in someone for a while then the "last straw" sort of thing hit. The Hive does almost seem to worship the now 20ozbulldog.

I don't view that thread as the Hive putting it too Goldtimer. There are some very valid points on both sides.

Bulldog is A CENTER POINT of the Hive. He gets a big kick out of it as well. It's like his play ground and when he comes to visit everyone gathers.
Good points GTT. I agree on B****** or now 20ozB******. No offense to him, but the Hive worship of his posts is one reason I don't frequent there as much now.
Are y'all talking about GT's and Coldbeer's spat?
It got pretty hot for a minute.
The new Hive does seem to be running pretty smoothly, all things considered. I'm sure RR will keep on refining it. Meanwhile, I'm happy to have a site like this, with tolerant moms.
Bulldog is good for amusement from time to time.

Like it or not, he's a Hiver. There are a few
rival fans over there that contribute to the forum
for better or worse. As a GT fan who posts quite
a bit over on Seminole Territory I can sympathize.

At least now, with the threads collapsed, Bulldog
won't take up so much space on the board. It will
be easy to ignore him if you want to.
If you are gonna post a topic please include a link.

I was in court all morning and havnt got the New hive adjusted on my work computer and it was not easy to find it.

here is the link for other people who are interested in the hive post

There was an interesting bit of volley and parry over there but really just a general hashing out of a couple of views. I'm sure these boys will be fine.

20ozBulls**t is a disgrace to "all things sacred" but at least if their palsy walsy gibberish is confined to a thread you won't have to see the whole thing in collapsed mode.

The transition over at the hive seems to have been going fairly well. It reminds me of Christmas morn where some are feverishly tearing into new goodies with great, joyous excitement and anticipation and others are just sort of looking for the coffee pot. "Comes but once a year!" Ah, yes.