Swilling I'm sure you love GT just as much as I do and as long as your post are in a critizing manner I have no problem with disagreement, I like the Debate. The post (not by you) that are character assassinations I'll take issue with.
My Father loved GT and Coach Dodd but he was one of his hardest critics it's not what you say in the post but IMO how you say it.
Criticism is one thing Trashing and Bashing is another. JMO
Van Wilder not only proved his dad wrong by graduating, but he took Tara Reid home, too.
You're Dang Straight He Did

Ahhhhh...Tara Reid /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hitit.gif
but he took Tara Reid home, too.

[/ QUOTE ]
Who hasn't?
.....however, any coach you would bring in worth his salt.....

[/ QUOTE ]

And that's the big problem. Whenever the time comes for a change, you somehow think that Tech will be able to get a "coach worth his salt" and he will automatically do a better job. You may or may not be correct; but from your history of posts, I would guess you are willing to take a chance that the next coach has a good probability of being worse.
I have to believe that we are now locked into a somewhat competent but dull fball team going forward with a TOP possibility of 7-4..We will be weak offensive team and with a good chance of NOT having a good def team when Tenuta leaves(and he will within 2 yrs).
Now we do get stability so we probably won't drop down much(below 5-6) but the chances for a top-tier (8-3)team is gone.